
God of the Fey, Lifebringer, Master of the Feywild, the Silver Prince, the Verdant Lord
Veles is the deity of arcane magie and the fey. During the First Age, Veles wandered the lands, spreading magic and raising the forests. Veles created the first elves, and so they are considered Mother and Father of all elves.
Veles remains a somewhat enigmatic figure amongst the Gods. Most mortal creatures view Veles as the god of elves and eladrin first and foremost. Although Veles created the eladrin race and remains their chief god, they encompasses other concepts and ideals. They represent renewal, spring, birth, and fey creatures of all kinds.

During the war against the primordials, Veles fought diligently for the pantheon, often providing their mastery of magic to the cause (he especially excelled at gleaning enemy secrets through divinations). At the same time, Veles rarely participated directly in combat; most of the time they worked alone or with their children, Selene and Nareau. Although not a reclusive deity, Veles always kept aloof from the other gods.

At present, fey creatures – especially elves and eladrin – remain the most passionate, intentional, and consistent followers of Veles. The majority of Veles priests are elven, eladrin, or half-elven, although this is not a requirement or an expectation of the church. Most other races have difficulty in appreciating Veles as a god applicable to their lives, even though they respect them and offer thanks with the coming of each new spring. Despite Veles' overall portfolio, most people tend to see them as an elven or fey deity first, and anything else a distant second. Within Veles' overall faith, there seems little evidence to counter this notion. Veles may well appreciate the worship and service of non-fey creatures, but such beings are not part of their prime focus.

The church of Veles is loosely organized and holds a limited structure. Most churches function independently, with only occasional contact from one “parish” to another. Veles priests, although common amongst the different fey races, are relatively rare elsewhere in Irion. As they travel, they can expect little or no direct support from the church of Veles.

The point where people begin to appreciate Veles' followers inevitably seems to involve drow. When drow begin causing problems or conducting surface raids, invariably the followers of Veles arrive on the scene in response. Veles vehemently opposes NAME, the goddess of the drow. As a result, Veles' clerics are devoted to combating the Dark Queen’s malicious plots and schemes.

Numerous stories describe how Veles once served as the patron god of music, art, and literature. For whatever reason, this mantle has long since passed to another.

With regards to magic, Veles represents the lord over fey magic. Fey magic is different from arcane or divine magic, and is rarely used or understood by creatures outside of the fey realms.

Divine Domains

Fey magic, spring, beauty, renewal, birth, fey creatures

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The eight-pointed star

Tenets of Faith

  • Cultivate beauty in all that you do.
  • Seek out lost magic items, forgotten rituals, and ancient tomes of fey magic.
  • Thwart the followers of Lolth at every opportunity.


The Lifebringer is the guardian of the spring season, and the domains of Light and Arcana. Their holy day is called Elvendawn, or Midsummer, and is celebrated on the 20th day of the sixth month of the year




Towards Veles



Towards Veles

Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
