
Goddess of Moonlight, the Bringer of Dreams, Cloak of Shadows, the Fey Mistress, Keeper of Secrets, Queen of the Seelie Court
Selene is a chaotic good deity of moonlight and the autumn season, as well as the patron of illusions and misdirection. Widely worshipped within halfling and elven cultures, she is largely considered to be the deity of love and protector of the trysts of lovers. Those who work in secrecy and trickery often ask for her blessing.

There are a number of gods with strict doctrine, clear and established rules for clergy, and an organized church hierarchy. Selene is not one of those gods. Indeed, her church is one of the least organized of any. There never has been or will be an organized central church dedicated to Selene. She calls on her clerics to serve her in ways they deem most appropriate, and she has little care for ornate temples, elaborate rituals, or other trapping so common in other religions.

As a goddess, Selene suffers from a lack of understanding amongst most mortals, although she seems most appreciated by elves, eladrin, gnomes, and halflings. Because Selene's faith remains so loose and open (especially compared to those of other religions), it can be difficult for people to understand what Selene represents. Selene is not a goddess focused on groups, organizations, or empires. Her interests instead focus on individuals, including their desires and dreams.

Selene's interests include both the material world and the Feywild; indeed, many people believe Selene cares more about the Feywild and its inhabitants than the creatures living on Irion, although her priests argue to the contrary. Regardless of the viewpoints, however, it is clear that Selene holds substantial interest in the inhabitants and events of the Feywild. The vast majority of fey creatures have no interest in gods outside of Selene or NAME (or perhaps Eirene), as they consider these deities the only important ones worth worshipping.

Within the material world, Selene remains a strong favorite with elves, eladrin, gnomes, and halflings. Beyond racial considerations, Selene is the goddess of love, secrets (both good and otherwise), trickery, and the moon. Given such a diverse portfolio, she garners the worship from mortals from a wide variety of professions, cultures, and races. Because Selene cares more for individuals than institutions, a number of people seem more inclined to believe that Selene is at least listening to their prayers, even if she does not answer.

Divine Domains

Trickery, the moon, love, autumn, illusions, secrecy, shadows, mysteries

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The crescent moon

Tenets of Faith

  • Follow your goals and seek your own destiny.
  • Keep to the shadows, avoiding the blazing light of zealous good and the utter darkness of evil.
  • Seek new horizons and new experiences, and let nothing tie you down.


There is no official holy day for the Goddess of Moonlight; however, her worship is greatest on "the night of the decade’s largest full moon."
Divine Classification
chaotic good
