The Abyss

The Infinite Layers of the Abyss was the birth place of the demons, a chaotic evil universe unto itself with uncountable layers of infinite variety connected haphazardly. The Abyss's place in the cosmology of the universe shifted over time, but the nature of the plane remained fairly constant: a violent, malevolent place where the strong survived on the backs of the weak, the weak conspired to overthrow the strong, alliances only lasted while convenient, and the landscape itself tortured the mind and body of all who dared to pass.
The number of layers in the Abyss was unknown and perhaps unknowable. Each layer had its own characteristics, which were as varied as the demons themselves. All types of terrain, atmosphere, weather, gravity, and material composition were represented in the myriad layers.

Some examples were:  
  • Air-dominant—zero gravity, no matter except air
  • Ash—blowing dunes of ashes
  • Battleground—Blood War or other
  • City—warrens and slums to citadels and palaces, teeming with demons
  • Earth-dominant—solid rock tunneled by the inhabitants
  • Fire-dominant—everburning flames with salamanders, etc.
  • Delusion—appears to be Normal but the flowers are poisonous or the trees attack
  • Desert—endless tracts of black, white, or red sand with no water
  • Glacier—infinite black, white, or orange ice with few rocky peaks breaking the surface
  • Hellscape—a burning mix of magma, rock, and belching brimstone
  • Maelstrom—swirling, bubbling chaos like Limbo
  • Mountainous—rocky crags, precipitous cliffs, soaring peaks
  • Negative-dominant—major or minor
  • Normal—similar to a Prime plane with various flora and fauna
  • Ocean—a trackless ocean, with a surface
  • Salt—crystalline badlands or desert
  • Sea—of acid, blood, garbage, insects, oil, or worms, etc.
  • Swamp—noisome bog inhabited by predators
  • Undead—specters, spooks, and ghosts
  • Volcanic—lava flows, earthquakes, volcanoes, and smoke
  • Water-dominant—nightmarish creatures in the murk
Dimensional plane
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Jedd Chevrier