Elemental Planes

The Elemental Planes is a collective term that refers to the group of six planes placed around the World Tree, including the Fire, Water, Earth & Air Planes, plus the Astral Sea as well as the world of the Dead, the Abyss, and the Feywild.
Each kind of elemental has claimed a portion of the world as they do not tolerate each other, in total there are four distinct realms; Air, Fire, Water & Earth. Each is ruled by an elemental Lord:

Earth • Terran, the Earthlord
Fire • Azar, the Firelord
Water • Malik, King of Water Elementals
Air • Alizeh, the Queen of Air

The four elements that make up the plane are constantly in opposition and tend to shift and tear at each other, sometimes violently. Volcanoes rip through the solid mantle, assaulting both the land and sea realms wherever they can. The air swirls in unpredictable storms, producing whirlwinds and hurricanes that rake the surface.

The elemental beings can alter the plane with a thought. The landscape shifts on its own from time to time.[13] Spells and spell-like abilities with the air, earth, fire and/or water descriptor are empowered and enlarged in all regions of the Elemental Plane.

Articles under Elemental Planes