Savrin Character in Ironfang Invasion | World Anvil
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‘They say that genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains. It's a very bad definition, but it does apply quite well to investigation. By that right let me assure you that I am no genius, only a man who genuinely understands the difference between observing and merely seeing. ’ -Savrin Olinar Observation, investigation, deduction. There are great and terrific magicks in the world of Golarion, but for Savrin Olinar these three are the most potent. Since Savrin was a young elf he held a persistent passion for finding the truth and refining the practices that assist in that endeavor. Savrin desired to live in a world in which sunlight fell upon all knowledge; he felt that a society could only move forward if all truth was set free. Mysteries were like an addictive substance to the young elf. Like a moth to the flame, the shadow of secrecy was assured to attract Savrin and the eventual light of day his logic and reasoning would bring. This interest got him into trouble with some regularity when he was younger. In his city of Iadara, the capital city of the elven kingdom of Kyonin, Savrin was branded as something of a meddler in his youth, sticking his nose into otherwise discrete or private matters.   Savrin’s childhood took a turn on one occasion in which his curiosity uncovered an embarrassing social scandal involving several members of the local aristocracy. Being placed under the thumb of the elite, Savrin’s parents elected to send their son away for his education. The young boy found himself in the forest city of Omesta, where he was to study at one of Kyonin’s legal schools. The practice of law agreed with Savrin, though the usual applications of it seemed very dry. While it made perfect sense to use his gifts of deduction to right wrongs for the people of his kingdom, Savrin plainly knew that there were bigger mysteries and greater secrets in the world to uncover. He began to find himself at university less and less, becoming more preoccupied with the gnomes of the city and their gift for alchemy. Alchemy proved to be an incredibly useful tool with a great breadth of applications. Throughout his studies in Omesta, Savrin picked up a handful of other useful skills. The university offered many classes ranging from history to knowledge of philosophy and religion. Engineering he picked up from one particular gnomish acquaintance with a penchant for risky experimentation. Observing late night tavern brawls gave him insight into fighting, which telegraphed into the study of swordplay that all elves of higher aspirations or standing were expected to take.   After his studies were completed Savrin returned home to Iadara. While the reputation of his youth did blacklist him from some clientele, others were quick to employ his legal acumen. He was unstoppable, which made him well worth his fee if you were on the side of righteousness. Predictably, the stagnation produced by the procedural tedium of the courts quickly took its toll on the young elf's unceasing mind. Over time Savrin found himself more fascinated with the practice of finding evidence to support his cases. He saw flaws in the work of the investigators who supported the courts; an attention to detail that was neglected. Evidence was the foundation of his work so Savrin saw this as unacceptable. Over the decades his law practice gradually transformed into the business of private investigation. All the better for Savrin. The work allowed him to get out from under the more illogical, procedural practices that burden the legal process and into the real world, where he could practice his passion more creatively. It also got him away from the subset of high society. Elves are renowned for being haughty and judgmental throughout the world, but many do not consider that those attributes also extend to others within their own society. Savrin loathed this part of his culture. Judgmental, dismissiveness, elitism; these are all qualities that grew within the fertile ignorance of assumption, which Savrin always viewed as a horrible habit. Assumptions were the very opposition to logic, and from Savrin’s observations guesses and assumption were a perfect recipe for a life of self-righteous ignorance. Over time Savrin became one of Iadara’s most sought after yet more reclusive and eccentric problem solvers.   Savrin happily exited the doldrums of life in Iadara when the court of Queen Telandia Edasseril called upon him to travel to the human realm of Nirmathas and the Fangwood Forest to investigate a blight similar to the evil that plagues the Tanglebriar. Tasked with finding any possible correlation between the two instances of fey corruption, Savin packed his belongings and cheerfully whistled to himself as he walked out of the gates of Iadara and the clutches of a life of stagnation.

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