Barrier Islands Geographic Location in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Barrier Islands


  • Crashing waves and treacherous currents
  • Jagged rocks hidden just beneath the surface
  • Snow-dappled cliffs jutting out of the sea
  • Low clouds and curling mists
  • Ferocious winds
  • Gliding seabirds
  • Decaying wrecks of wooden ships
  • Fisher-folk braving the wild sea
  • Lurking seaborne raiders
This long string of islands parallels the Ragged Coast. They are beautiful, but imposing. The slate-gray cliffs rise dramatically out of the water, topped by treeless moors. Waterfalls, fed by persistent rains, plunge over these cliffs into the raging sea. The winds are fierce and ever-present. In the winter, sleet, snow, and ocean mist can cut visibility to the length of one’s arm.   The islands are sparsely populated by Ironlanders, mostly fisher-folk who brave the surrounding waters. Their settlements cling to narrow, rock-strewn shores or lie on high overlooks. At night, the dim lights of their fires and torches glimmer pitifully against the wild, storm-tossed sea.
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