Ironlands Geographic Location in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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The Ironlands is a vast peninsula in the northern ocean. The people who now refer to themselves as Ironlanders settled here two generations ago, cast out of their homelands by a catastrophic event. Since that time, they have survived but not prospered. The Ironlands are a harsh, dangerous place. The winters are long and brutal. Harvests are uncertain. Depending on the choices you make as you create your version of the Ironlands, monstrous beasts and dreaded horrors may be a constant threat.  

Travel in the Ironlands

When traveling through dangerous or unknown areas, make the Undertake a Journey move. You will set the rank of the journey as appropriate to the fictional circumstances—the distance, region, terrain, threats, and your character’s readiness. You should also consider its importance in your quest. A higher rank means more storyline dedicated to the journey. If you want to move quicker to your destination, give it a lower rank. If this journey represents an important aspect of your character’s story, or you want to create opportunities for interesting events and side quests, give it a higher rank.   Traveling a moderate distance within a single region is Troublesome. Traveling a long distance within a single region, or across rough terrain, is Dangerous. Traveling from one region to another, or across especially challenging terrain, is Formidable. Traveling through multiple regions is Extreme. Traveling from one end of the Ironlands to another, or to a separate land, is Epic.

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