Deep Wilds Geographic Location in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Deep Wilds

  • Unbroken woodland
  • A thick canopy casts the forest floor in shadow
  • Lingering fog
  • Constant rains
  • Elves, ever watchful
  • Ancient trees hung with moss
  • Streams winding their way through rough terrain
  • Skittering and growls from out of the mist
The Deep Wilds are a vast swath of ancient forest. The ground is a lush carpet of ferns and lichens. The gnarled branches are cloaked in hanging moss. The air is almost perpetually misty and wet. Unlike the bordering regions, heavy snow is rare here. Instead, there is the ceaseless patter of rain dripping from high boughs and the rush of river over rock. The air carries the earthy smells of damp and decay.   A few Ironlanders live along the fringes of the Deep Wilds, taking advantage of the relatively temperate climate and abundant game. However, most avoid this region. This is a land of the firstborn, of monstrous beasts, of horrors that defy description. This is the world before humans.
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