Giant Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Rank: Extreme (2 ticks per harm; inflicts 4 harm)
  • Dark hair and ruddy skin
  • Twice the size of a tall human, or more
  • Wearing layers of wool, hide, and furs
  • Stoic and observant
  • Survive the winter
  • Protect the herd
  • Fight as a last resort
  • Sweeping strike
  • Make them flee
  Giants dwell in the Tempest Hills  and Veiled Mountains . They live a nomadic life alone or in small family units, herding oxen, mountain goats, and sheep. In their own language they are called the Jokul.   Many Ironlanders  misinterpret their quiet nature for dullness, but giants are keenly intelligent and observant. They have a great respect for life, even for our kind, and use trickery and negotiation to avoid fights. When they are left without other options, an enraged giant is a devastating, relentless force.

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