Veiled Mountains Geographic Location in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Veiled Mountains

  • Massive peaks shrouded in roiling clouds
  • Howling beasts
  • Endless snows
  • Precarious mountain trails
  • Stone cairns, marking the dead
  • Abandoned settlements
  • Circling wyverns
Commonly referred to as the Veils, these great mountains mark the northern bounds of the settled lands. They are almost perpetually shrouded in cloud, snow, and mist. On the rare day they are visible to those Ironlanders far south in the Havens, the sight of the towering peaks is enough to inspire a mix of fear and awe.   For a few, that feeling is a call rather than a warning. The Ironlanders who dwell here are mostly members of small mining communities. They seek fortunes in iron or silver, but often find only death in the endless, brutal cold. Even those who manage to eke out some sort of life among the Veils are sure to head south before the onset of winter. Before the long dark takes hold.
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