Marsh Rat Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Marsh Rat

Rank: Troublesome (3 progress per harm; inflicts 1 harm)
  • Beady eyes
  • Long tail
  • Eat everything
  • Breed
  • Swarm and bite
  The marsh rat is a rodent of unusual size. They are all-too-common in the Flooded Lands  or in wetlands within the Hinterlands and Deep Wilds.   They eat almost anything, including carrion and waste. Our grain stores and pantries are an easy target for marsh rats, who dig tunnels or chew through walls to get at the food. They will also try to make a meal out of living prey—deer, cattle, or even an unlucky Ironlander. A pack of marsh rats can kill a horse and reduce it to bone in a matter of hours.

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