Setting in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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The default setting for your adventures is the Ironlands. It is a rugged peninsula of isolated communities and untracked wilds on the frontier of the known world.  
  • Two generations ago, your people were driven to the Ironlands from their former homes in the Old World.
  • The weather here is harsh. Winters are brutal. The rugged terrain makes travel and trade difficult and dangerous.
  • There are no thriving cities. Instead, Ironlanders live in isolated villages or steadings. Their homes are modest buildings of wood, stone, and thatch.
  • Many areas of the Ironlands are unexplored and uninhabited except by the Firstborn —beings such as elves, giants, and the wolf-like varou.
  • Coins have little value here. Most commerce is made through barter and favors
  • Some communities remain isolated and independent, while others trade in basic goods such as iron, grain, wood, livestock, wool, and coal.
  • There is a diverse mix of peoples and cultures within the Ironlands, even within a single community. You can envision your character and those you interact with however you like, unbound by considerations of geography, lineage, sexual orientation, and gender.
  • Communities sometimes band together under a powerful leader, but there are no kingdoms. Territorial lines are sketchily drawn, if at all.
  • Large-scale warfare is unheard of, but raiding parties and skirmishes between communities are a constant menace. Some communities subsist entirely on raiding.
  • Spear, axe, shield, and bow are the dominant weapons. Swords are rare and highly prized. Some warriors choose to wade into battle clad in iron, while others trust in their prowess or in the strength of their shields.
  • Magic is subtle and mysterious. Mystics seek to ward away the darkness through the practice of magic, but often succumb to it. Rituals are performed as blessings and to gain insight.
  • Supernatural creatures and beasts are rare, frightening, and dangerous.

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