Varou Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Rank: Dangerous (2 progress per harm; inflicts 2 harm)
  • Yellow eyes shining in moonlight
  • Pointed ears and snout-like face
  • Take their land
  • Defend my kin
  • Keep the bloodcall at bay
  • Strike at night
  • Leap into combat
  • Let loose the bloodcall
  The varou are humanoid beings who dwell within the Deep Wilds and in the woods of the Hinterlands . Their features are fierce and wolf-like. They are broad-shouldered and a head taller than the average Ironlander. Their long hair is ornately groomed and decorated with beads and other trinkets.   The varou value territory above all things. They often war amongst themselves and against the elves to gain or defend holdings. They mark their claims by carving clan symbols into trees. Only the foolish ignore the warning of these border signs. Several of our settlements—built too close to varou territory—are now abandoned ruins bearing the mark of a victorious varou clan.

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