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Dolus, known as the Mischievous Woman, is the deity of revenge and trickery, enigmatic in her ways and revered by elves and dwarves alike. Legends among the dwarves tell of her hand in creating the infamous Book of Grudges, an artifact that serves as a testament to the power of her craftiness and cunning. Sister to Iuris, the master of law, Dolus' divine presence extends to the Eternal Fortress, where she whispers into the ear of Asmodeus, and the top of the Eternal Gardens, where she tempts Albadar with her allure. Her elusive nature sets her apart, leaving a trail of intrigue and mystery in her wake.
  Portrayed in various forms, Dolus is often depicted as a serpent with horns, symbolizing her deceptive nature, or as a stunning woman adorned with a crown of horns, representing her allure and power. Elves and dwarves offer her devotion, recognizing her as a deity of both vengeance and craftiness, embodying the balance between the two facets.
  Those who seek the favor of Dolus pray for power and revenge, often receiving her blessings, only to have them cunningly withdrawn at the most critical moment. Her divine touch is known to empower individuals to seek vengeance and settle scores, while also enticing them into the realm of mischief and playful tricks. Her followers, primarily of Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, or Chaotic Evil alignments, pursue personal freedom and a hedonistic lifestyle, aligning with her teachings of passion and secrecy.
  Dolus' sacred symbol adorns dungeons blessed by her, marking them as both perilous and filled with pranks. Those who dare to venture into these domains tread a treacherous path, navigating an intricate maze of deceptions and surprises that lie in wait.
  In the realm of Pathfinder, Dolus' divine power is channeled through the font of harm or heal, granting her followers the ability to wield the power of pain and passion. Her divine skill, Deception, empowers her devoted disciples to manipulate reality and conceal their true intentions with finesse.
  The favored weapon of Dolus' worshippers is the whip, representing the instrument of punishment and the allure of temptation, both woven into her divine essence. The domains of pain, passion, secrecy, and trickery embody the multifaceted nature of Dolus, reflecting her influence on the realms.
  Through her clerics, Dolus bestows spells such as *charm*, *enthrall*, and *mislead*, empowering her followers to weave webs of deception and draw others into the snares of trickery.
  Dolus, the Mischievous Woman, holds a place of enigmatic allure among her worshippers, who seek her blessings to pursue their desire for revenge and indulge in a hedonistic existence. Her intricate plots and elusive ways resonate deeply with her followers, ensuring that her name is forever etched into the tapestry of the realms.
Divine Classification
The Mischievous Woman


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