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In the depths of Isadril, the dwarves thrive in their subterranean kingdoms, where wealth in gold and gemstones lies at their fingertips. Their ancestral halls are masterpieces, artfully carved into the roots of hills and mountains, echoing with the symphony of blazing forges and tireless blacksmiths. A deep commitment to ancient traditions and family courses through their veins, forming the bedrock of their society. Yet, it is their shared animosity towards ogres, trolls, kobolds, goblins, and orcs that unites the dwarves of Isadril, forging an unyielding resolve to protect their underground realms from any threats.   Dwarf clans are known to take up residence within the heart of a mountain, where they craft cities in the very rock itself. For those unfamiliar with their labyrinthine tunnels, the maze-like passages are a bewildering puzzle. But for dwarves, every twist and turn brings a sense of comfort and familiarity, as they navigate their subterranean homes with unerring precision.   Living underground for generations has imparted a distinctive pale-white hue to the dwarves' skin, a testament to their intimate connection to the depths. One of their proudest features is their hair, both for males and females. A long beard symbolizes masculinity and honor, signifying a dwarf's commitment to their heritage and kin. Conversely, a clean-shaven male dwarf is perceived as weak and disrespectful, while a bald head represents wisdom and venerability among dwarvenkind. Each clan's hair color varies, with black, gray, blonde, and red being the most common shades.   Dwarves have a penchant for black clothing, mirroring the darkness of their underground realms, and gold is their favored choice for jewelry, emphasizing their love for precious metals and their affinity for craftsmanship.   Their steadfastness in adhering to ancient customs and family ties reflects in their tenacity as warriors and artisans. When danger looms, dwarves stand as an indomitable force, fiercely defending their homelands. Their craftsmanship, renowned throughout Isadril, yields exceptional weapons, armor, and artifacts, crafted with precision and care.   As allies and friends, dwarves are steadfast and loyal, though earning their trust may take time. Those who prove themselves worthy of a dwarf's friendship gain a loyal companion for life.   In the depths of Isadril, the dwarves stand tall, united in their customs, craft, and loyalties. Their subterranean realms resonate with the sounds of hammers striking metal and the echoes of their rich history, etched in every stone and passed down through generations. From their subterranean sanctuaries, the dwarves are ready to face any foe, wielding their ancestral knowledge, enduring spirit, and unbreakable determination.

Basic Information


Dwarves are under 5 feet tall, but sturdy and stout. They can weight almost as much as a 6 feet tall human. Their courage and endurance are also easily a match for any of the larger folk in the realms. They adapted really well in the darkness, able to see in the dark.   Dwarves reach adulthood at the age of 22, and can live up to 500 years. The oldest dwarf in history was Magni Bronzebeard, who lived up to 611 years, but was eaten by a dragon.
Scientific Name
Homo subterranus
Average Height
5 feet
Average Weight
70 kg


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