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Elves, a mystical and enigmatic race, exist as both inhabitants of the world and as beings apart from it. Radiating otherworldly grace, their presence exudes an aura of ethereal beauty and charm. Possessing sharp intellects and an innate connection to magic, elves find solace in the places of utmost beauty, dwelling amidst ancient forests or residing in silvery spires that shimmer with faerie light.   Deeply entwined with nature, the elves have an inherent love for the magical wonders of the world. Their souls are intrinsically bound to the arts, delighting in music, poetry, and artistic expression. Valuing kindness and the pursuit of beauty, elves consistently strive to refine their manners, appearances, and culture, seeking perfection in all they do.   While elves rarely take up swords, they are formidable warriors when moved to battle. Legends abound of elf swordsmen whose skills surpassed all others. Their fighting style showcases their passion and fervor, as they defend their beloved lands and people with unmatched determination.   Standing at an average height of 5 to 6 feet, elves possess a slim and lithe build, weighing around 120 pounds. Despite their delicate appearance, their gracefulness belies their extraordinary resilience. Their size is categorized as Medium, allowing them to move with agility and grace.   One of the most striking aspects of elves is their exceptional longevity. With lifespans that can stretch up to 700 years, elves endure the passage of time with a wisdom that surpasses that of shorter-lived races. This gift of long life is a testament to their enduring connection with the magical forces of the world.   Elves are slow to forge friendships beyond their kin. This inclination stems from the harrowing history of their race, as they suffered tremendously during the Orc Wars and endured persecution and extermination during the Empire of Al-Bassad. Resentment simmers within the elves of Isadril, directed toward the sea-elves for seemingly abandoning them to their suffering. The protection of their ancient forests and sacred lands becomes a sacred duty, and they fiercely guard their domains against any intruders who threaten their sanctity.   The elves of the south remain cautious and wary of outsiders, maintaining a reserved distance from other races. Conversely, the elves of the North, out of necessity and in an effort to ensure their survival, have learned to coexist with humans and other folk, forming alliances and forging friendships with those who respect and understand their plight.   Despite their many strengths, the elven race faces a pressing issue of depopulation. A devastating ailment afflicts them, leading to the troubling statistic that every tenth elven child is born alive. Scholars and healers have dedicated themselves to finding a cure for this affliction, but their efforts have so far been met with frustrating futility.   Yet, through their trials and tribulations, the elves continue to embody a race of enchanting grace, seeking solace in the beauty of the world, embracing magic, and fighting fiercely to protect their kin and their cherished homelands. As they navigate the complexities of their existence, the elves remain an enduring symbol of resilience, wisdom, and the enduring spirit of magic and nature.
Scientific Name
Homo silvarum
700 years
Average Height
1,8 meters
Average Weight
70 kg


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