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Master Lamar

The Illuminated Sage

Master Lamar is a venerable mystic whose wisdom and knowledge seem boundless. He resides in the city of Isib, a livestock town known for its shepherds and goats. Among the villagers, Master Lamar is revered as a wise elder and a source of guidance. He is known for his ability to commune with the spirits of nature and the animals, understanding the delicate balance between humans and the natural world. With his serene presence and gentle demeanor, Master Lamar imparts valuable lessons about the interconnectedness of all living beings.   His origins are shrouded in mystery, with some even whispering that he predates the Mystics' arrival. With a flowing white beard and eyes that seem to hold the wisdom of ages, he stands as a symbol of serenity and knowledge in the community.   As a young mystic, Master Lamar wandered the realms, seeking enlightenment and understanding. He was chosen to be the mentor of a promising apprentice, Selena Shadowtorn. Under his tutelage, Selena displayed great potential and a deep connection to the mystical energies that bound the world. Lamar saw in her a fierce determination and passion, qualities that he believed would serve her well in preserving the balance between the mortal realms and the mystic forces.   However, unbeknownst to Master Lamar, Selena's heart harbored a desire for power and dominance. Over time, she became seduced by the allure of the dark arts and the promises of forbidden knowledge. Consumed by ambition, she began to conspire against the Mystics' council, seeking to bend the mystical energies to her will and overthrow her mentors.   When her sinister plans were unveiled, Selena launched a devastating attack on the Mystics, catching them by surprise. Master Lamar, filled with sorrow and regret for his failure to recognize Selena's descent into darkness, confronted his former apprentice. He tried to reason with her, urging her to turn away from the path she had chosen. But Selena, consumed by her thirst for power, struck him down with a blast of corrupted magic.   The once-mighty Mystics, unaware of Selena's true intentions until it was too late, were no match for her malevolence. The order that had safeguarded the balance of magic in the world was thrown into chaos, leading to its eventual downfall.   After the fall of the Mystics, Master Lamar retreated to the tranquil village of Isib, where he found solace in guiding the people toward harmony with nature. Though burdened by the weight of his past.
Current Location
Year of Birth
4023 BAB 2113 Years old
Aligned Organization


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