BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 1. The Destruction of Lúmoin

General Summary

In the distant land of Yanem, nestled within the heart of Lumoin, a small but vital trading town, our adventure unfolds. Lumoin, with its cobbled streets lined with ancient temples, wafted with the fragrance of incense, was a place where stories took root.   Our tale begins in the Heartfire Inn, an establishment run by the ever-chill innkeeper, Bob. But tranquility is a fleeting luxury, and remnants of a brawl from the previous night are still visible. It's within this backdrop that our heroes find themselves.   As the ground quivered beneath their feet, a dwarf, nursing the aftereffects of last night's excess, stirs up trouble. He quarrels with a Halfling bard, setting the stage for chaos. But, before the dispute could escalate, the earth buckled, and the inn's floor gave way.   Amid the mayhem, our characters plummeted into a dark, underground cave. They awaken to a cavern rapidly filling with water, with Bob in a less-than-ideal state, and two of their companions, Sahryar and Aurora, unconscious. Sophie and Sa'na spring into action, desperately trying to save those in need.   Their escape led them to meet Fumbus, a goblin, in this subterranean realm. Fumbus explained that they were far from the surface, and the only route back was guarded by stone bridges and lifts. Goblin banishment had brought them here, as the townsfolk harbored a strong dislike for their kind.   Venturing forth, they discovered a heated conflict. The narrow passageway opened into a vast chamber, where a prince lay unconscious. He was none other than Prince Amir, though his identity eluded them at that moment. A battle raged in the northern tunnel, where a golden dragon fought valiantly. The floor gave way, and they plunged deeper into the depths.   With the prince's timely healing, the party met Eraelys, the Paragon and protector of the prince. They learned of a dangerous contract and the object of their desire - the Tear of the Goddess. Their quest to find the contract sender and the stolen artifact was now set in motion.   Sa'na, a knowledgeable member of the group, led them across the stone bridge. She revealed the presence of several World Trees, with one of them residing in the elven kingdom of Pracaborg.   Their journey took them to the root of the World Tree, a magnificent sight marred by an explosion's aftermath. Prince Amir, upon holding the Tear of the Goddess, used its power to restore the tree to its former glory.   But there was more to be discovered, as the goddess revealed herself to one of the party members through a magical wand. The character's destiny now intertwined with the divine.   The adventure continued as they reached the lift to the surface, facing new challenges. A tragic incident involving the lift operator only intensified their journey. Eventually, they emerged into a canal and had to make their way to the docks.   The story ended with their departure from Lumoin, now in ruins, and the discovery of a refugee camp on the horizon.
Report Date
26 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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