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Tears of the Godess

The Tears of the Goddess is a magnificent and mythical magic item of immense power, steeped in the essence of life and divine magic. It takes the form of a delicately crafted vial, elegantly carved from iridescent crystal that shimmers with an ethereal glow. The vial is stoppered with a radiant silver cap adorned with intricate engravings representing life, rebirth, and celestial beauty.   Cautionary Wisdom: The Tears of the Goddess should be approached with great caution, for the delicate balance between life and death should never be trifled with. Their use must be measured carefully, lest the natural order be disrupted, and the consequences of such actions could be dire. Only the purest intentions and the most desperate need should warrant the activation of this awe-inspiring artifact, a testament to the power and mercy of the divine.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Abilities: The Tears of the Goddess possesses the extraordinary ability to bring back the departed from the clutches of death. When a being's life force has departed, a single tear's worth of this precious elixir can reverse the course of fate. Upon administration, the vial glows brilliantly, and the divine magic within ripples through the body, knitting together torn flesh, revitalizing vital organs, and restoring the soul to its mortal vessel.   Usage: To activate the Tears of the Goddess, the user must delicately uncork the vial and pour its contents onto the lips of the recently deceased, ensuring that even the smallest droplet is delivered. As the life-giving elixir makes contact, the vial's ethereal glow surrounds the recipient, a radiant aura of rejuvenation.   Limitations: The Tears of the Goddess, being an extraordinary artifact of life and death, carries a great weight of responsibility. It can only be used once per individual, and its magic requires the individual to have passed away within the past day, ensuring a delicate balance between life and the afterlife.


Guardianship: The Tears of the Goddess is an exceedingly rare and sacred artifact, said to be kept within a well-guarded temple dedicated to the goddess of life. Its guardians, a revered order of healers and priests, undergo rigorous training and solemn vows to ensure the proper and compassionate usage of the Tears.   Legend: According to ancient tales, the Tears of the Goddess were gifted by the goddess Earin herself to a valiant hero who showed great mercy and selflessness in the face of death's grasp. The hero, in turn, became the first Guardian of the Tears, bestowing life to those on the brink of eternity and ensuring that the tears were used only for the most deserving of cases. The Artifact was searched by the Elven High King in Pracaborg during the Great War. Some rumors say, he only created Pracaborg as a headquarters for the search.   Eraelys has been searching for this artifact for a very long time. With the help of Prince Amir, a delegation from Ralum have arrived to Lúmoin with this artifact after a series of long political discussion.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder
Base Price
10 000 gp


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