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The Cult of the Crimson Flame

The Cult of the Crimson Flame is a clandestine and enigmatic religious group that worships Theadia, the Goddess of Fire and Flames. To its followers, Theadia is the embodiment of fire's raw power, destruction, and purifying essence. They believe that through fire, one can achieve transformation and renewal, both in the physical and spiritual sense.
  Some members of the cult are adventurers and seekers who embrace Theadia's teachings to pursue personal growth and understanding. They believe that fire can forge them into stronger and more enlightened beings, and they often travel the world, seeking to explore its mysteries and uncover ancient truths.
  Overall, the Cult of the Crimson Flame remains a mysterious and intriguing religious order, with their fervent devotion to Theadia and the element of fire setting them apart from more conventional faiths. Their dedication to the transformative nature of fire, combined with their secretive practices, makes them a unique and captivating faction within the world of Al-Bassad.


The cult's beliefs center around the primal nature of fire and its ability to cleanse and purify. They view fire as a symbol of both creation and destruction, capable of bringing forth new life from the ashes of the old. Theadia is revered as the one who wields this divine power, and her flames are seen as a potent force of change.   Rituals and ceremonies within the cult are surrounded by an aura of secrecy and mystique. Members often gather in hidden sanctuaries or secluded locations, shrouded in crimson-hued flames, to perform their sacred rites. Fire is at the core of their practices, with its flickering light and consuming heat serving as a direct connection to their deity.   The cult's rituals involve various fire-based magic and offerings to Theadia. They see fire as a conduit to communicate with their goddess, seeking her guidance and blessings. These ceremonies are thought to bring about transformation and purification, both of the soul and the world around them.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Cult of the Crimson Flame operates in the shadows, carefully guarding its rituals and practices from outsiders. They maintain a veil of secrecy to protect their beliefs and avoid persecution from those who might misunderstand or fear their devotion to fire. As a result, their presence is often known only to the most dedicated members and remains hidden from the general populace.   Due to their secretive nature, the cult is regarded with both fascination and apprehension by outsiders. Rumors and tales surround the cult, with some whispering that their rituals involve powerful and dangerous fire magic, capable of great destruction. Others, however, believe that the cult holds the key to hidden knowledge and enlightenment through the transformative power of fire.

Ubi fumus, ibi ignis

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names


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