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The Time Keepers

The Hourglass, a mystical artifact of immeasurable power, stands as a linchpin in the vast cosmos, governing the very essence of time itself. Its importance is not just limited to the chronological order of events but extends to the destinies of all beings across the multiverse. Within its delicate confines lies the delicate balance between existence and oblivion.   The origins of the Hourglass are shrouded in enigma, lost to the annals of history. Some say it was conjured into being by an entity of immeasurable cosmic stature, often whispered to be the mother of the Elder Gods. This mysterious artifact was designed to regulate the intricate dance of time, weaving the tapestry of fate for all life forms that traversed the myriad of timelines that compose reality.   Soul, a spiritual entity of great wisdom and responsibility, assumed the role of the Keeper of Time. With the Hourglass in her care, she undertook the monumental task of overseeing the intricate web of timelines, ensuring that the destinies of every being intertwined seamlessly. When a timeline strayed from her discerning vision, she harnessed the immeasurable power of the Hourglass to erase it, a necessary sacrifice to restore the cosmic balance, and then commenced the arduous process of forging a new one.   However, the serene tranquility of the cosmos was disrupted by a cataclysmic conflict between Light and Darkness, two colossal forces that locked horns in a battle that defied space and time. In the wake of their triumph over the Elder Gods, Soul, too, met her downfall. She shattered into countless shards, a cosmic tragedy that could have spelled the end of time itself.   Yet, destiny weaves a complex tapestry, and it was Light that arose as the harbinger of hope. From the fragments of Soul's essence, Light discovered Chi, a stillborn shard of the once-mighty Keeper of Time. Recognizing the potential within this dormant soul, Light bestowed upon Chi the mantle of Time Keeper, granting him the monumental task of maintaining the Hourglass's cosmic equilibrium.   Chi's journey as the new Time Keeper unfurled as a saga of self-discovery and cosmic responsibility. With the Hourglass in his hands, he embarked on a quest to mend the rifts in the timelines and restore order to a universe teetering on the precipice of chaos. It was not just the sands of time that he controlled but the very threads of destiny, a power that could shape the existence of all beings, from the humblest of life forms to the most powerful entities in the multiverse. The fate of the universe now rests in Chi's hands, a being born of fragmented soul but fueled by the immense responsibility of guarding the Hourglass, for within it lies the power to maintain the delicate balance between the existence of reality and the abyss of nothingness.
Secret, Occult
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