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Xeenta, revered as The Goddess of Death, embodies the eternal cycle of life and death, guiding souls to their final resting place and presiding over the afterlife in the realms. Revered by mortals, necromancers, and those who seek to understand the mysteries of the beyond, Xeenta stands as a symbol of transition, acceptance, and the inevitability of mortality.
  As The Goddess of Death, Xeenta represents the gentle hand that guides souls to their final destination, ensuring that the balance of life and death is maintained. Her divine domain encompasses death, transition, and the afterlife, reflecting the diverse aspects of her influence on the realms.
  Necromancers and those who study the mysteries of death call upon Xeenta for divine insights into the beyond and to find solace in the inevitability of mortality. They seek her guidance in their endeavors to understand the delicate balance between life and death.
  Xeenta's followers are compelled by her edicts to embrace the cycle of life and death, finding comfort in the knowledge that all living beings must eventually journey to the afterlife. They seek to ensure a peaceful transition for souls and to maintain the harmony between the mortal realm and the realms beyond.
  As anathema, Xeenta's followers are forbidden from disrupting the natural cycle of life and death or attempting to cheat death through forbidden means. They are taught to accept the inevitability of mortality and to respect the sanctity of the afterlife.
  Xeenta's divine font grants her followers the power of healing, enabling them to ease the suffering of the living and provide solace to those mourning the loss of loved ones.
  Her divine skill, Occultism, empowers her followers with knowledge of the arcane and the mysteries of the beyond, enabling them to delve into the secrets of life and death.
  The favored weapon of Xeenta's followers is the scythe, symbolizing the gentle harvest of souls and the cycle of life and death that she presides over.
  Xeenta's divine domains encompass death, transition, and the afterlife, reflecting the profound and mysterious aspect of her influence on the realms.
  Through her clerics, Xeenta bestows spells that harness the power of life and death, empowering her followers to provide comfort to the living and guide souls to their final destination in the afterlife.
  Xeenta, The Goddess of Death, stands as an embodiment of acceptance and the gentle guidance that accompanies the transition from life to death. In her divine presence, the souls of the departed find peace and solace, as mortals learn to embrace the cycle of life and death that she oversees. From the realms of the living to the realms beyond, Xeenta's influence resonates, guiding her devoted followers to honor the natural order of life and death and find comfort in the knowledge that all souls eventually find their way to her realm.
Divine Classification
The Goddess of Death


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