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History of Isadril

Era of Nature

-14000 AAB -> -4700 AAB

The New gods, have given the people a helping hand. Towns were made, and people started hunting, foraging in the world. Soon, they met the elves from the forest, and the dwarves of the mountains. Peace ruled for almost 400 years. They established cities and countries. Races mixed, and everyone has found their place in the world.   The first problem came, when an Old God found a way to contact power hungry humans. The humans opened a portal to the void, and the power of the Old God swept into the lands. Elves were corrupted and became orcs through dark blood magic. Dragons descended from the north, laying waste to the northern settlements. A great battle took place at the Great Salt Lake. The united people have defeated the orcs and dragons. A large tribe of elves died in that war, so they vowed never to fight again, and sailed east. They became known as the sea elves, and their kingdom is not open to anyone. In fact it is not even on the maps of the world as noone knows where is it. Since that day sea elves are really rare in the realms of Isadril.

  • -4800 AAB

    Foundation of Pracaborg

    The Elven High King orders an expedition to the east, and establishes an elven stronghold called Pracaborg.

Era of the Neverending day

-4700 AAB -> -900 AAB

Soon after the dragons were defeated, Giants have arrived from the west, and laid waste to Skarfvall, enslaving the natives. Legends say they froze the sea, and even plundered the city of Garabon. The free people allied once more and got rid of the giants. This marked the beginning of the greatest nation that came to be. Al-Bassad. It was the wonder of the world. Humans built up great cities from the ground, and created technological wonders. Scholars say they had a power source, called Electricity, and the night never came to the Capitol. The kingdom turned to be an Empire over a thousand years relaying heavily on slaves. In the eyes of the empire humans were the only race that should rule.

  • -3150 AAB

    Coronation of Ralum

    Escaped slaves from Pracaborg lead by Ralum make a settlement in the desert. Ralum become the King, and abolishes slavery.

  • -2810 AAB

    Reintroduction of Slavery
    Cultural event

    Elves move into Ralum throughout the years, and became the key figures in politics. They successfully reintroduce slavery to Ralum.

    Kingdom of Ralum
  • -2790 AAB

    The founding of Yanem's Empire

    Sultan Avad Yanem al-Rashid claims the peninsula, and announces his rule over it.

  • -1930 AAB

    -1930 AAB

    Destruction of the Mystics
    Disaster / Destruction
  • -1910 AAB

    -1910 AAB

    Song of the Golden Dragon
    Celestial / Cosmic

Era of War

-900 AAB -> 0 AAB

Al-Bassad became so great, that four continents were part of the empire. Only the north, and kingdom of the sea elves were not under their rule. They broke the sky. Fished out all the fish from the southern sea, and harnessed the power of the sun.   There are many legends one can hear from the wonders, but Al-Bassad needed the north for its minerals and resources. They made an army so great, it turned the sun black with their arrows. They marched to the north. They made weapons that could scorch the face of the earth, and poison the air. They forgot about the gods, and peace. They launched their attack in -47 AAB.   Their leader, who history remembers only as The Doctor, has slain millions. He wanted to face the gods. He called himself the prophet of their destruction. Large machines marched at the frontline, steel beasts. They almost conquered the Riverlands, when the Gods said: **Enough**. Warriors from the North, powered by Holy Light defeated the steel beasts, and destroyed the armies of Al-Bassad, who could do nothing against a few magi, and sorcerers. Dwarves emerged from the mountains with the might of the Forgegod.   With the death of countless great man. Al-Bassad was defeated, and the whole empire was thrown into the Abyss. The gods have not been seen since that day. The campaign agaisnt the north was stopped by great heroes from dwarvenkind. The Blasted Lands were born after the war. A neverending desert. The place where countless died. A graveyard. The capitol of Al-Bassad was lost, and it is only named as the Forbidden Lands.

  • 28 AAB

    The Sacking of the South
    Military: War

    Al-Bassad started a war, by invading the Southern Kingdoms. In two years, the whole continent fell under Al-Bassad's rule.

Era of Peace

0 AAB to beyond

After the war, four fortresses were built at the border of the Riverlands and the Blasted Lands. With an army living in each ready to defend Isadril if Al-Bassad ever returned. Isadril started to build trade routes with the Southern Kingdoms. A vassal state of Al-Bassad. After a coup a new ruler cut ties with every old way and brought the southern kingdoms to a Golden Age.   In the year 201 AAB the university of Quillwind was built, and the neutral city emerged from the lands. It became a symbol of peace.   In the year of 656 AAB the kingdom fell into a war that torned it apart. A great famine followed along with a tsunami that rendered all lands unliveable. The people of the Southern Kingdom started to travel to Isadril. Only a portion arrived.

  • 782 AAB

    The Great Catacylsm
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Southern Kingdoms experienced a major earthquake and a tsunami which destroyed most of the lands. The famine, and the following plagues killed around 50% of it's inhabitants. Immigrants tried crossing Ered Dhune as a last resort.