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Weapon of Dern

A glowing hand rears back, hammer aloft, preparing the next strike on a burning forge and the contents within. With each peel of hammer on metal, a shape is formed, one that with become a symbol of a god and his people. As time passes and the forge glows hotter, each strike of the hammer will imbue the forged weapon with the power of the sun, a molten fire within that matches the sun’s zenith, something that can only burn with the power of the divine.   While a weapon of such quality should be forged by the God of Forges, the glowing man stood before the forge learned from his brother, and used his innate power to craft a weapon that would define his domain and become a symbol of reckoning for those that he would create in his image. Only the God of the Sun could wield such divine protection and live once the power of molten sunlight coursed through his veins. Only for those who set themselves apart would the divine axe become a symbol of their morals and all they hold dear.   Sunrise is the name of the divine weapon forged and wielded by Dern. Harnessing the power of the sun, this weapon in many ways is considered divine perfection, even by Crommel, the God of Forges. Dern used his axe to clear the land that would become the Human Empire and establish the city that myth believes is the current day Stronghold. Once the Humans entered the world, Sunrise became a symbol of their divine devotion and deep-held love of their creator.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

As a divine weapon, Scholars can only speculate about the true power of Sunrise and whether the weapon has its own innate power or if the legends are depictions of Dern's power being funneled through the weapon. It is most commonly believed that Sunrise has its own power that is then heightened by being wielded by Dern, but there are a handful of Scholars who refute this idea. The mortal-wielded weapon, Damascus, was forged in the likeness of Dern's own to be wielded by the god’s chosen champion. It is believed that Damascus has only a small fraction of the true power of Sunrise, making Dern's weapon unfathomably powerful.


As the chosen weapon of the God of the Sun and Creator of Humans, Sunrise is extremely significant amongst Humans as a symbol of their faith and their god. The double-bladed axe is much more than just a religious symbol as it also stands alongside the Nightbreeze as a symbol of the Human Empire and the accomplishments of all Humans. Few divine symbols are as well known as the likeness of Sunrise.  
Those that follow the Goddess of Nature may pray for the sunrise every morning, thanking the goddess for another blessed day, but only those that follow the teachings of the God of the Sun truly pray to the Sunrise, a symbol so divine that there are few that do not know its meaning.
— Human Priest
Rendition of Sunrise
No one has truly seen the divine weapon Sunrise, but the axe is known for its intricate designs and blazing metal that glows with the power of the sun.
Item type
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Jul 29, 2024 10:34 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the story behind the creation of Sunrise. :)

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