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Elven Culture

Way of Life for the Fair Folk

Surrounded by the boughs of ancient trees, in the cold northern reaches, the thinning woods of the Outlands, and the spiring peaks of the Spine of Kallex, one can find those of the fair folk, beings that embrace the mystical and ancient nature of the world and their goddess Lycana. In these places, one may encounter the oldest and longest lived of the Elder Races, the Elves of the Elven Forest and all its reaches.   Tradition and the teachings of the goddess are an essential part of Elven society, even those branching cultures that reach into the more inhospitable reaches of the Elven Forest. Those of the Outlands, the Northern Outposts, and the Barbarians of the Spine hold their own beliefs, but all come back to the fold and the center of their society as Elves, the longest lived of the mortal races.   When one lives for nearly a millennia, certain things are ingrained in one's being, tradition, belief, certain rituals, and thoughts that existed for millennia before one was born. The Elves of the Elven Forest, especially those surrounding the capital of Alfensil, practice these traditions, influencing and changing them for years to come. It is here that one will find the center of Elven culture, the place where all of Elven society takes from.


Culture and cultural heritage

It is hard for one not to know at least a little of the Elves and their ways. The fair folk of the Elven Forest display their heritage and tradition proudly, often welcoming visitors and outsiders into their midst for celebrations and festivals. It is only those traditions and rituals that deal with the magic of the Elves and gifts given by Lycana that they are reticent to share outside of their own people.   All Elves, including those of the Elven Forest, the Outlands, Northern Outposts, and those of the Spine of Kallex, fall under the rule of the Elven Kingdom. The Elven King is seen as a divine appointment, something that all Elves believe in, no matter where they call home.  


All races in Isekai have a set of beliefs that they consider their law. Elves see their law as one of nature that does not bend or waver.  
  1. All animals have are to be respected, even when hunted there shall be no cruel treatment of any creature.
  2. Orcs have no place in any Elven settlement, they are never to be allowed past any border.
  3. Káto is dangerous, new entrances are to be safeguarded and shrouded with powerful magic to avoid discovery from either side when encountered.
  4. Outsiders are cautiously welcomed.
These beliefs drive the Elves and their way of life as they move through their long lives and serve as the protectors of the magic of their homeland. One would have to find an Elf far removed from the Elven Forest for them to not share these beliefs.  


Family is important to the Elves as oftentimes magical prowess is determined by lineage. Certain family names in the Elven Kingdom bring with them great power and renowned, even outside of the family's originating area. Even the names Ylyndar and Llanowen, from the Northern Outposts and the Spine of Kallex respectively, hold a great deal of noteriety in Alfensil.   Depending upon which part of the Elven Kingdom one is from, a family may be called a clan or house. In these families, elders and their knowledge are seen as integral to the family's identity, meaning that the keeping of histories and oral traditions are a large part of this culture. Elves do not take family to the same extremes that the Silver Elves do, as those without well-known names can still create a place for themselves, but connections to powerful or noble families are rather helpful in this society.  

Property & Ownership

Property and ownership are fairly simple in Elven society. Individuals, families, and organizations are all allowed to own property with no restrictions except for no one is able to own a plot of land. A family or person may own a house or a building, but land in the Elven Forest is treated as a collective property, one owned by all Elves. If one wants to construct a building that may possibly harm the forest in any way, permission must first be granted by the Elven King.  

Taboos & Insults

Nothing is considered taboo to the Elves as they often fully embrace their fey heritage. While they are wary of outsiders, they do not believe in censoring themselves in any way, often speaking in ways and truths that make other races uncomfortable.   The greatest insult to an Elf is to insult their long ears.  

Elven Culinary Arts

Feasts, festivals, and celebrations have become a large part of Elven culture and so too has elaborate food and drink. Each area of the Elven Kingdom has its own culinary specialties, but there are two specialties that all Elves partake in.  
Elven Wine
Elven Wine is a specialty drink of the Elves. Throughout the year, the flavor of this wine varies as only berries found in the Elven Forest that are in season are used to make this wine. It is said the flavor can very from a very sweet and smooth taste like a nice jam to something tart and more savory like a fruit tart.  
Artisanal Bread
Another specialty of the Elves is their Artisanal Bread. Using wheat harvested in the Outlands, a variety of breads are baked throughout the Elven Kingdom using different ingredients and methods as well as a variety of decoration styles. Most markets in the kingdom feature at least one or two stalls dedicated specifically to bread.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The lives of Elves are heavily influenced by nature and magic as evidenced by the technologies and things that come from their artisans and the Unending Scroll. Often they strive to merge the two, creating eclectic and wondrous creations that people from throughout the world wish to obtain. Art and other forms of creation are second nature to the Elves, coming about through the most mundane of tasks.  

Clothing & Textiles

Clothing is a form of expression, one that can easily be manipulated through color and cut, depth and type. Elves often invest a great deal of time, effort, and money into their appearance, even those that live outside of the high society that can be found within Alfensil. It is something that is easily individualized and a rampant trade within the Elven Kingdom.  
Capes & Tunics
Capes and tunics are the most common of Elven clothing as these items are often rather simple to decorate and customize. Capes are a marker of high society or wealth, dependant upon the color, but also have practical uses while traveling. Tunics are often made of simple cloths in a variety of colors but are one of the few garments made that can stand the test of time and durability that is the Elven lifestyle.  
Artificial Silks
Silk is a common material used for clothing throughout the Elven Kingdom, but a large majority of the silk used is artificially created. Researchers at the Unending Scroll have created a variety of artificial silks that are stronger and more resilient to tears and other flaws. This sustainably sourced material allows all Elves access to this luxury material.  

History & Tradition

As long-lived as the Elves are, history and tradition are things that come in close-knit pairs. It is difficult to have one without the other, to a point that the preservation of history throughout the Elven Kingdom has become an important tradition that all participate in. Historical societies and others strive to preserve whatever history they can while honoring the traditions that have become an integral part of their culture.  
Elven Historic Council
The Elven Historic Council is the main source of historic preservation and conservation in the Elven Kingdom. This group relies heavily on the training and knowledge of Archivists and Librarians to preserve the grand history of the Elves in the Unending Scroll. Through joint efforts with groups across the Elven Forest, a great deal of history and tradition has been preserved and survived the Eldritch War.  
Qurilion is one of many holidays celebrated by the Elves, but it is by far the largest celebration that is had for any holiday. Various groups throughout the Elven Forest celebrate this day differently, but all choose to celebrate the solstice and send prayers to Lycana and the other deities these groups worship.
Significant Holidays
Significant Cultural Aspects
Hunt for the Orc
Birth Rites & Traditions
Elven Birth Rites
Culinary Arts
Elven Culinary Arts

The Elder Races

The Elves were the first of the Elder Races to walk the land of Isekai, being placed there by the goddess Lycana. This origin and being tied so closely to the earliest races of the world is an integral part of Elves' identity as a race and culture. In many ways, this place in the world is seen like that of an older sibling, one that is there to teach and help. Elves take this role very seriously, often sharing what they have and teaching those races they consider children.  
Elder Races
Myth | Mar 26, 2022

The Elder Races are the three most prominent creatures that inhabit the physical realm. These races are known as humanoid in nature and each of them has a connection to magic and to the gods that can be traced back to their creation stories.


Naming Traditions

Elves have very distinct names that follow the patterns of their native language, often causing other races to question how to correctly pronounce a name. Oftentimes, the sounds of one's name may vary depending on which part of the Elven Kingdom one comes from. Barbarian names sound rougher than the elegant names of the Jade Elves of Alfensil.  

Name Generator Coming Soon!


Relations with Other Races

Elves get along best with Humans and Fairies. They see Humans as close siblings and Fairies as powerful spirits of nature that make wise allies.   Elves detest even Half-Orcs because of historical reasons. They have been enemies since the Orc race suddenly appeared and they clash whenever they interract. It is thought that Orcs were the results of wild experiments or corruption of the original Elves of this world.  

Religious Observance

The Pantheons of Isekai are of extreme importance to all races and cultures, no matter their differences or difficulties. Each culture worships one of the gods as this belief is what allows them to be judged fairly upon their deaths.   As a race that believes heavily in nature and their origin as one of the Elder Races, Elves follow the teachings of Lycana as a goddess of nature and the arcane. They believe that the goddess gives them their magic and a duty to preserve and protect the lands they call home.

Articles under Elven Culture


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