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Year 300 of the Aftermath


The History of Isekai so far

The world of Isekai is filled with many races, some with long histories, others that are nothing more than babes in the eyes of the rest of the world. The world's people began with the Divine Races and the Elder Races, beings created by the gods to walk the world they had found. Soon, the lands were filled with all types of peopl, scattered across the varied biomes and throughout the lengthy history of Isekai.

Current Species & Cultures

The Divine Races (Ancient Fey, Djinn, Dragons, and Sphinxes) were first, left to walk the earth and search for knowledge. Then came the Elder Races (Elves, Dwarves, and Humans), children created in the image of their god to expand and explore and live the simple lives of mortals. From here came others, humanoid and animal alike, stretching across the world and filling where there once was nothing. Few races have been erased since the dawn of life on Isekai, but the few that have found their end in the Eldritch War.

Needs & Relations

The Eldritch War was one point that defined the relationships between races, sometimes shifting away from long standing tradition. Monstrous races such as Orcs and Goblins are loved by few, often causing chaos in their wake and joining the destruction of the Eldritch War. Other races have disagreements, but nothing that causing the strong distaste that the monstrous races tend to put in people's mouths.

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