Alderwards Organization in Ishtora | World Anvil
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Once an irregular band of adventurers scraping to get by, their cunning actions by defeating a besieging force catapulted them to fame. Using their natural abilities to shape the very land by changing the courses of rivers, causing plants to grow to entangle & harass, and by convincing savage animals to outflank and maim them, this group had achieved a miraculous victory. This victory however was not without it's cost. Almost half their numbers were cut down, including their leader, Drevo. But when this band of adventurers returned to Tapli, they shared with the people a new message. A message of peace and unity, one where nature and civilization could coexist. And so, the Alderwards were born.

Divine Origins

The Alderwards were founded after they successfully repulsed an army besieging Tapli. This victory however was not without it's cost. Their leader, a man named Drevo was mortally wounded, and his last request was to be buried to the forests to the east, the place that was once his home. After returning, the band told the people of Tapli that Drevo had taught them how to commune with the Essence inside of living things. He had given them this gift, but any who wanted it must swear an oath. An oath to protect the people of the Assembly and to protect the very Essence they would learn to communicate with.

Granted Divine Powers

Being introduced into this order comes with the teaching of how to commune and understand the Essence of living things. New Alderwards tend to gravitate toward a certain kind of Essence, like animals, plants, but usually even more specific than that. Often times the innate talent draws them to beings who are like them, whether it's physically, mentally, or emotionally. However the more experienced of them have an easier time communing with dissimilar beings.

Peace is a Garden that must be Tended

Druidic Circle

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