Witrot Condition in Ishtora | World Anvil
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A terrible fungal infection that occurs most often underground and in caves, witrot is a affliction in which a kind of parasitic mushroom starts to grow in one's ear cavities and if not treated can consume the mind of the host.

Transmission & Vectors

The spores of the mushroom are what causes the infection to spread. Often times it is easy enough to determine who is infected, as having mushrooms sticking out of one's ears tends to be a a giveaway. The infection is not transmissible if the mushrooms aren't visible or if the cap hasn't developed yet.


A Kanoia wouldn't know for certain about any infection until mushrooms start growing, but damp warm areas seem to lead to faster growth rates as well as an increased likelihood of catching this affliction.


Early symptoms include-
  • Headaches, often at the base of the skull.
  • Dehydration, the fungus is siphoning from you.
  • Memory loss, and
  • Paranoia, the victim is consumed with the feeling that there is a conspiracy to "get them," and it manifests in their minds as violence, theft, and malice will be directed at them.
Later symptoms include-
  • Aggression, often directed at other Kanoia.
  • Casadastraphobia, a fear of falling into the sky, so the afflicted commonly hid inside their homes or in tunnels underground.


In the unlikely event that a Kanoia afflicted with this infection seeks out help before their mind is lost, the only steps that have been recorded of being successful is to keep the afflicted tied down outside is dry air while plucking the visible mushrooms as often as possible.


The condition is often, although easily treated. If the method as described above is utilized there is a decent chance of a full recovery. However even if death in the afflicted is avoided, there are often long term memory loss issues as well as a permanent personality change with Kanoia remaining fearful of others and somewhat paranoid.


Check your and your friends ears, especially if stayinging a damp cave.

Cultural Reception

While all Kanoia can become a victim of witrot, it is perceived as a disease only goblins get. This is due in part to the common living conditions of goblins, but it is exactly this that make it so goblins are often not counted among the fatalities.
Chronic, Acquired

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