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Al Thurman


Al Thurman is a loosely connected group of shadowy cults whose organization is simple, or simply misunderstood. Sects of Al Thurman led are by various Al-ilhi, or divine smiths. These divine smiths are more often than not Clerics of Allan Alhasad and carry with them his direct will. Chief among these Al-ilhi is the Al-Kamal Al-ilhi, the Perfected Divine Smith. The Al-Kamal and their sect serve as the binding thread of all sects, and organize them based on their will.


Al Thurman has a culture of perfectionism at any cost. Morality and hesitation are seen as weaknesses that prevent the progression of one's skill, meaning most Al Thurman members are at best Neutral and more often than not Evil. That being said Al Thurman members are very cooperative with each other and often share ideas and breakthroughs in the field of magic item creation with their peers. All members of Al Thurman hold their god in high esteem, for he is the reason they pursue perfection in crafting magic vessels. They all are eager to impress Allan Alhasad, feeling that with each improvement of their skill they grow closer to his divine approval. This eagerness to achieve divine perfection is often what drives members of Al Thurman to commit heinous acts to get results. Members of Al Thurman wear masks for the majority of their time in the cult, many of them for their entire time. It is only when an Al-ilhi takes a member-crafted item and presents it to Allan Alhasad that they may remove the mask, now ready to be seen by their god.

Public Agenda

Empower Allan Alhasad with perfected magic items, particulary Magic Vessel's containing the souls of Genies.


Because of Al Thurman's loose organization not even the Al-Kamal Al-ilhi knows the true extent of their cults capability.


Al Thurman is one of the oldest organizations in the realm of Iskudar. It was founded by Allan Alhasad after The War in Heaven, its primary task being the combating of Allan's most hated enemy Primordials and the denizens of The Elemental Chaos, AKA the Elemental Planes. Before Shar poisoned the World Tree Al Thurman existed in some form across all of the different material planes of the multiverse, now cut off from the greater multiverse Al Thurman of Iskudar continues their god's mission, with renewed purpose. Now Al Thurman not only battles elementals and the minions of primordials but also crafts powerful magic items from the souls and essence of the creatures they slay.

Perfection is Divinity

Founding Date
Sometime in the Second Era, after the War in Heaven
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Elemental Smiths, Maskers, Shadow Artificers
Leader Title
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