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Allan Alhasad (all-on all-hah-s-ah-d)

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Magic Vessels, Lawful Neutral Artificers, Elemental Hunters, Primordoris Ahnilehai,   Divine Domains: Knowledge Domain, Forge Domain


Nolosha's Sword Shield, (Potentially) Iblis's Spear of Rebellion, The Great Forge of Allan Alhasad, Blaze Drinker, Stormlance, The Refractory (destroyed).

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An anvil in front of a roaring fire.  
by Palace Nightmare

Tenets of Faith

Progression of skill and knowledge, Removal of hesitation or morality, Creation is a reflection of divinity, Perfection is divinity itself.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To use th primordial essence of Malidatrix to create the most powerful vessel artifact to have ever existed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Death of Mustillhar

Allan Alhasad originally served as a celestial forge master under The Father during the Second Dawn War. His home plane was Mustilhar, a Lawful charged one-world plane of The Astral Sea. Mustillhar was a world of red grasses and deep purple seas, all under a gentle orange sky. The Elder Gods made the plane with a burning hot center from which the native celestials forged great weapons and armor, some of which were so grand that Titans and Old Gods wielded them against the Elder Gods in their ancient rebellion. Allan Alhasad was a skilled and dedicated celestial forge master and crafted a Great Axe called Blaze Drinker. The weapon was gifted to Gruumsh by The Father just on the cusp of an assault against the plane. The carnage and destruction the primordials unleashed upon his home of Mustilhar (later Muspelheim after its annexation into Ysgard by the giant pantheon) forever changed him. The once beautiful lawful world was flung into elemental chaos, and the battles were so brutal that they split the world in two and beckoned forth the hot burning core. Red magma gushed from the cracks of the world and soon turned it into a wasteland of broken bodies and slain elemental corpses. Gruumsh ended the Invasion with his shock troops after Corelleon Larethian's forces arrived. Gruumsh led a vanguard directly into the boastful Primordial forces who were distracted by the grand displays of destruction they were unleashing. Gruumsh slew the Primordial Fire Storm with Blaze Drinker and took his weakened chaos core as a prize. While Corelleon was celebrated by the celestials for her glorious victory, Allan Alhasad sat broken in spirit and soul upon his dead world. The battle was won but at a terrible cost. Unable to stomach the celebrations Allan gazed at the burning core of his once beautiful world alone. Gruumsh, not eager to bask in his sisters's glory either, accompanied him as well. He made crude attempts to comfort Allan but Gruumsh was not as deft with words as his sister. Still, trying to aid a solemn soul, Gruumsh gave Allan Alhasad Fire Storm's chaos core and told Allan to make something of the primordial chaos and destruction, as the Titans had done before. The words blew air into the forge of Allan's soul and ignited his raging fire once again. He thanked Gruumsh for his kind words and the gift, and the two finished the party in each other's company.

7 Ringed Forge

The war continued for thousands of years, but soon the united forces of creation overwhelmed the divided forces of the Primordials. During this time Allan Alhasad took the the battlefield himself, inspired by Gruumsh's display on Mustillhar. In the conflicts, Allan practiced a strange restraint against the elemental and primordial enemy, something that his allies did not quite understand. Usually, he would deeply wound his enemies, keeping their chaos cores intact and storing them away. During the slowness of some 100 years of the war, Allan returned to his world Mustillhar, now with 49 chaos cores and scores of elemental residue. Allan smelted these 49 cores down into 7 rings, the still-alive primordials being fused and torn apart enduring a suffering of overwhelming crowdedness and unsatiable emptiness all at once. The rings screamed for death and howled for vengeance, but calmly Allan continued unfazed by their pain. Years ago perhaps, he would've felt for the primordials, he would've granted them death after learning the smelting of their cores would not kill them, yet that was before the death of his world. Now? He would not let small-minded morality for lesser creatures stop him from making something of this war. With the Elder God crafted stone of his world and the heat from its core Allan used these 7 rings to construct a grand forge that he would use to craft more items. The great forge sat over the exposed core of Mustillhar, the 7 rings focusing the raw power and magic of the core and infusing the metals with it. With the forge complete Allan Alhasad sought to pay back Gruumsh for his kindness and crafted him a grand spear called the Stormlance (Later called the Bloodspear by Elves). It was a versatile magic weapon, capable of changing lengths at a whim and Gruumsh was able to summon his tempestic wrath and paralyze even the mightiest of foes with the weapons lightning strike. The weapon is still Gruumsh's favored spear even to this day, and he never lets it leave his side.

Second Father of The Orcs

The second Dawn War drew to a close and Gruumsh and Corelleon had the first of their climatic duels. With the war completed Allan Alhasad stayed out of the conflict. Gruumsh came to Mustilihar after to get his spear repaired and maintained as well as to vent his frustrations and ask Allan for advice on what to do with the race that had spawned from his blood. Allan advised Gruumsh to keep a watchful eye on his all people and ensure that they performed to the best of their ability and kept on their best behavior, as the other gods and their new races were watching, closely. Allan even allowed the orcs to stay on Mustitilhar while the Old Gods drafted up territory for the mortal races. While Gruumsh attended the meetings of the gods Allan watched over the orcs. The orcs inherited their Patrons' strength, desire for battle, and knack for causing and deep love of carnage and destruction. They thrived well in the chaotic destructive world of Mustitlhar and used every environmental obstacle or deadly task by Allan to cull the weak from their ranks and hone their prowess. Allan, a celestial of creation, disliked their thirst for destruction but appreciated their strive for perfection, even above the innate moral instinct to protect the weak. The Orcs were quite willing to help Allan slay elementals and weakened primordials, and Allan was pleased to help guide a new race. Gruumsh was a bloodthirsty beast of battle who reveled in its carnage and destruction, but in those days he could control himself when required and could even be quite reserved and tactical. Allan and Gruumsh tried to teach the new race such traits, but neither were inspiring speakers or deep philosophers, and most of the time the pair gave up and went out to hunt elementals and primordials with the savage orcs. It is for this reason the orcs call Allan Alhasad their Second Father, and why the orc smiths pray for his guidance when crafting their weapons of war.

He Who Never Sleeps Departs

Soon the time came for the final maps of the multiverse and how the various races (Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Orcs, Dragons, and Giants) would divide its bountiful lands and territories. The Father, the chief deity amongst them all, set the date for the meeting in his palace Monarchia, but many of the gods (like Corelleon, Moradin, and Garl Gllitergold) already lived on or near the palace on Mount Celestia. Gruumsh was the farthest out and planned on making the journey earlier than needed so he might arrive early for appearance's sake. The Patron of the Orcs was ever vigilant on the matters of god politics, as well as war and battle. In reality, he had not rested since the start of the Second Dawn War, a fact Allan Alhasad knew very well. The day Gruumsh was to depart Allan insisted he'd stay and rest so that he might lead his people on their exodus to new realms with great vigor. Gruumsh protested, but Allan presented Gruumsh with a device that could instantly bring him to Monarchia. Gruumsh's foresight gave him many signs of Woe, but he trusted his friend and stayed the time of Mustilhar. The two friends embraced and Allan gave good blessings to Gruumsh and promised that his orcs would be ready to leave on his return.   Gruumsh's form rippled into existence before Allan and the Lord of the Forge dropped his tools to greet him, but instead of his friend, he stood in front of a rage-filled berserker. Gruumsh lashed out violently at Allan and his forge destroying many of the weapons and armor they had helped build together, Allan as a celestial was no match for a God, and watched in horror as his home was destroyed again. Gruumsh screamed at Allan's betrayal and his plotting with the gods, with his sister and father. The Orc God ranted about how the gods have plotted to cut his people out of the territories of the multiverse and offer him and his nothing. Even after all he had done during the Dawn War, even after all he had done for Allan. Gruumsh smashed the device Allan gifted him and commanded his orcs to follow him as they had no place here amongst the traitor's forge. As Gruumsh prepared to leave the two looked at each other, their friendship ending how it began; in the wake of unjust destruction. Clenching the Stormlance Gruumsh left, leaving Allan alone. He had not muttered a single word as he was so frightened and confused at the outburst. For years he sat in the broken shattered forge, the pained whispers of the 7 rings crawling in his ears.  

Hatred of Destruction

Nothing stirred the celestial of the forge from his spot that had sat for eons. Not the crumbling of his forge nor the messengers of Moradin and Corelleon checking on him. He contemplated what friendship and gotten him and could only arrive at destruction, once again destruction wreathed him. It reminded him of how beautiful his world was before the primordials, before Gruumsh even. He hated that aspect of them, destruction. He would turn their destruction into creation, he would create something from his pain, and he could no longer hesitate. Allan rose from his stillness and began rebuilding his forge. In his time with Gruumsh, he had failed to continue its upgrades and perfection, and soon it reached a state that suited his needs perfectly.   Allan then traveled and saw how elemental chaos had changed, how it spawned races and servants in the forms of genie. Their civilizations disgusted him, they disgusted him, and he would use them. Allan slew the genies in droves and captured their souls, experimenting on their elemental essence and perfecting their craft. No matter their pleas, or their screams of agony. They cursed him and spoke of how Malidatrix would get revenge. Malidatrix, the most powerful primordial alive. It had eluded the grasp of the gods during the first and second Dawn War, but not Allan. Though to stand a chance Allan knew he had to grow more powerful. Allan came across a strange race of wind elementals he had never seen before. The race of elementals called themselves the Vaati. Still, he captured and experimented on them while inquiring about them, they spoke of another leader of their race, the primordial Diathanein. It had gifted them knowledge of civilization and empire. Allan scoffed at the idea of a primordial doing such things and left to find Diathanein.   Allan marveled when he found the grand and beautiful City of Brass in the elemental plane of fire. He was smitten by its grandeur, by the goods that flowed through it, and by the refinement and culture of its populace. Still, he marched on, thinking that to wage their wars of violence effectively they had to have some organization. Allan was presented in front of Diathanein. Diathanein styled themselves the High Duchess of The Wind Dukes of Aaqa and were pleased to be in the presence of a renowned warrior and enemy of Malidatrix and the primordials of elemental chaos. Allan was stunned by the civility of the Primordial, who explained to him that not all primordial beings and creatures of the elemental energies were chaotic and destructive. They fought against Malidatrix too, but the Titans and Gods could not or would not take the time to tell their efforts apart from the normal in fighting elemental chaos. Even though Diathanein gave Allan kindness, every time he looked upon it all he could see was the drove of corpses of Vaati he infused into weapons and armor and the carnage of his ruined world. He had come too far now, morality could not stand in his way. If he were to defeat Malidatrix he needed the power of the divine and he knew how to make it. To progress his skill he needed to remove his hesitation and morality. To achieve perfection is to reach divinity, and in his entire life, he had only seen one other perfect being besides Diathanein. Allan brandished an object and presented it to Diathanein as a gift, who eagerly accepted. Finally, the celestials and Vaati could work together against the forces of chaos. As Diathanein held the object they could hear faint whispers of terror, warning her. She recognized the voices of her people, but by then it was too late. The vessel absorbed her entire being and it clattered to the floor. Allan battled the appalled and betrayed Vaati, barely managing to escape as the entire City of Brass sought to kill him and save Diathanein. He returned to his forge, and due to the weakness of The Wind Dukes of Aaqa the efreet assaulted and captured the city, slaughtering the air elementals to near extinction.   Allan had destroyed an empire and empowered his most hated enemy, but no matter. he had what he wanted. Diathanein begged between the strikes of Allan's hammer, its Chaos Core wailed and writhed as the heat from the forge melted it down, and the process was not short. Allan mixed weavatrixphlogiston, the purest element of creation and magic, with the core and forged a divine spark. It was a perfect creation, the only one of its kind, a fact that would remain forever as not even Allan could reproduce the results. He consumed the spark and with it became a god.  

The War in Heaven

In the years leading to Iblis's rebellion, Allan Alhasad forged his portfolio and managed to defend it from the gods who thirsted for it like Vulcan. When Allan heard news of The Father's death by Iblis he was said to have considered reaching out to Gruumsh, but instead kept his distance, distracted by a request from Iblis himself. Xaraan had discovered the secret to killing gods and titans, leaving them unable to reform, and Iblis begged Allan to use this knowledge to craft him a weapon. It is unclear whether or not Allan did so, as the origin of Iblis's spear of rebellion is unknown. Allan remained neutral during the War in Heaven, instead choosing to focus on building the foundations of his cult. Allan was smart and crafty, but even he admitted he had not reached entire perfection, and thusly entreated the help of his mortal followers to craft vessels so he might find the perfect design to capture Malidatrix. In exchange, Allan aided the mortals in their crafting and gave them the understanding of how to create magic vessels, magic items that contained the essence or soul of a creature. Each vessel crafted empowered him, and in return, he served as their divine muse and patron. By the end of the war, Allan forged a bond with his cult, and from its most loyal followers birthed an organization that would retrieve the souls of elementals and battle them across the multiverse; his Al Thurman.  


Mustilhar was soon annexed by the growing Giant Pantheon and pulled into the realm of Ysgard where Annam renamed it Muspelheim. At first, the giants did not bother Allan and he extended the same courtesy, but soon Surtr, god of the fire giants, became awestruck with The Great Forge of Allan. Surtr reveled at how it withstood the flames of Muspelheim's core, which had grown even more violent since the second dawn war, something that many fire giants couldn't do. Surtr attacked the forge and drove Allan out. Many of his smiths were enslaved or outright killed, and Allan felt a great depression overcome him. He had lost it all again. The news spread across the multiverse and reached the ears of an old friend, Gruumsh. It is said that in all his moments of rage, all his acts of violence, Gruumsh only regretted one. Gruumsh commanded that his orcs across the planes wage a great war of pillage against the giants until they returned to the forge. The giants crushed the orcs in direct battle, but the orcs captured and slaughtered nearly all of the giant's slave workforce, the giant race simply unable to contend with an organized assault from the entire orc species across the multiverse. In 13 days the production of the giant empire ground to a halt, and all the giant gods held Surtr to blame. Surtr, prideful as any giant, refused to return the forge until Annam himself intervened and stripped Surtr of his brief stripped his godhood as punishment, and forced him to forge 10,000 axes as peace offerings to the orcs.   When Allan returned to his forge he found his old friend waiting. The years had changed them both, the naivety of eons spent laughing and joking in the forge was gone. The orcs were a mature race now, with defined cultures and customs, and Allan had his followers and his own divine portfolio. They both thought of what to say but neither was ever any good with words, instead, Gruumsh produced Stormlance, now battered and broken. It was clear it had been attempted to be maintained, but lacked the touch of Allan. Gruumsh asked if it was still possible to be repaired after all the years, and Allan touched the spear running his hands down the worn shaft and dull tip. He looked a Gruumsh and wordlessly nodded, a smile creeping across his face.   With the help of Gruumsh Allan moved his forge to a demiplane near Achron, and Gruumsh gave Allan 72 of his best warriors from the Cube War to help protect it. Gruumsh instructed his orcish smiths to entreat Allan for aid with the creation of magic weapons, and Allan was happy to aid the orcs again after so many years, although many of Gruumsh's children and his wife disapproved of this action. Allan repaired and improved the Stormlance giving it the ability to frighten goblinoids who gazed upon it, sometimes killing them outright.  

Current Times

In the most recent times, Allan continues his crusade against primordials and elementals, but with less help and cohesion due to the dying World Tree and the inability to better organize Al Thurman. Still, he looks for Malidatrix and a way to keep Al Thurman together despite the difficulty of planar travel.

Gender Identity

To a celestial the concept of gender and sexual dimorphism does not exist. Gendered pronouns for example do not exist in the celestial language and many times celestials struggle to use them when speaking other languages. Human cultures however would describe Allan Alhasad as masculine and universially refer to him as such as most of his dipictions can be described as masculine.


As a celestial concepts such as sexuality don't apply to Allan Alhasad. Celestials themselves often change their forms in minimal but important ways and do not have sex as other creatures would. Celestials can reproduce with each other freely as they see fit, and the same goes for sexual encounters with other creatures, so long as it obey the rules of the creature's biology (for example humans of the male sex can't be impregnated by a celestial). Allan Alhasad has had no recorded of romantic or sexual encounters, which doesn't mean the absence of any, but at the very least the lack of importance to the god. Most followers of Allan do believe them to be what humans would describe as aro-ace, but some disagree. Allan himself has never bothered to speak on it and none of his followers have ever bothered to ask.

Morality & Philosophy

Allan believes that progress and skill should not be hampered by morality and hesitation, but instead individuals should take things by the reigns and steer towards further understanding. Allan despises senseless chaos and destruction and believes in the order of creation and law.

Personality Characteristics


Allan is motivated to turn the chaos and destruction of elementals and primordials into creations and law which he believes are the foundations of all of modern existence. Allan seeks perfection because he believes perfection will get him closer to better creation and thusly closer to the foundations of existence. He wishes to make something out of the death of his world and blames the primordials for its fall and destruction.

The Spear of Iblis

Allan Alhasad is one of the potential creators of The Spear of Iblis (also known as The Spear of Rebellion). There is quite a bit of evidence on both sides of the argument. For those for the idea Allan was one of the greatest artificers of the time, and to create such a powerful relic would require more than the smithing talents of Moradin or Vulcan, but a deep understanding of the weave and magic. In addition to this Allan Alhasad was not a god and may not have been as concerned about creating a weapon that could fully kill a god anywhere anytime. Not to mention Allan never let morality dissuade him from attempting to push the limits of his craftsmanship. Weapons that kill gods and titans also always require the presence of some creature's soul inside, a type of magic item Allan solely specialized in. Those who disagree have three main arguments. The first is that they believe Allan to not have been skilled enough at the time to create the spear, citing that he had not yet ascended to godhood. The second is the well-known fact that Gruumsh had sided and was good friends with Iblis. Considering Gruumsh's last interaction with Allan many scholars believe that Allan would've been unwilling to aid Iblis if he was allied with The God of Orcs. Lastly, Allan had nothing material to gain from Iblis's rebellion. Allan was a well-respected, albeit socially removed, celestial who had an entire world to himself. Iblis's rebellion was about taking power from the more deserving and respected celestials and deities and giving it to the underserving celestials and outcast gods.
Divine Classification
Lesser God
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Providing inspiration for Al-Thurman
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Forge Fiend (derogatory), Lord of The Forge, The Perfected Artificer, The Second Father (Orcs)
Current Residence
The Great Forge of Allan Alhasad
Rosegold, thin
Black, long, stringy oiled, well kept
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Almond brown
Known Languages
As a celestial Allan can speak and read almost any language they read or hear spoken.


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