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Clan Dreko


Clan Dreko is organized entirely around the will of the clan and those who they choose the lead them. There are few official roles and most are filled by Dragonborn who are significantly older and more experienced. In the more ancient times of the clan, the roles were more martially focused, but in the recent history of Iskudar, they have remained a more peaceful isolationist culture. 


Clan-Master is the term for the leader of clan Dreko who is always an older member of the clan who has proven to have great wisdom in leadership, diplomacy, and nature. When a Clan-Master is nearing the end of their life they will call a great council of all Dreko dragonborn in order to vote for another Clan-Master who will take up the position upon the current clan-masters death or retirement. Larger clans of Dragonborn typically have many clan masters, but due to the size and closeness of clan Dreko one clan master can manage the affairs of the clan. The clan master is responsible for representing the clan in the Master Conclave of Stone Wing, the council that the 3 tribes of Stone Wing have to discuss affairs. They also delegate labor and clan efforts, arrange and approve marriages of all clan members, broker trade agreements with Local wood Elves and Little Fort (the halfling settlement at the base of the forested mountain of Geyajaf), call a vote to forsake a member of the clan and muster the clan for offensives against threats. The Clan-Master also appoints the other positions of the clan government, The Fintir Irlym (Slayer of Enemies), The Caesin Maekrix (Master of The Forest), and the Levethix Maekrix (Wizard/Mage Master). Most of the time, but not always the clan-master will organize a vote that all of the clan can participate in to determine who they appoint, but ultimately the Clan-Master has the final say on the matter. It is seen as bad practice for a Clan-Master to hold a vote, but appoint someone who did not win. With a 3/4th majority, the clan can choose to revoke a clan master's title and hold an election for a new clan master.

Fintir Irlym

The Fintir Irlym or Slayer of Enemies in common is the Dragonborn responsible for maintaining the martial effectiveness of the Clan and its chosen defenders. Hailing from a martial origin all clan Dreko members are taught how to fight with martial weapons, but due to cultural diffusion and geographical location, the most common weapon among a Drekon Dragonborn is the longbow. While most training is overseen by the offsprings parent those who show potential are personally trained by the Fintir Irlym for the role of Clan military and Stone Wing defense. Fintir Irlym are most commonly full martial but it is not rare for them to be paladins or rangers. The paladins are of the oath of Ancients, Devotion, and rarely Glory. The rangers are often Beast Master, Monster Slayer, or Hunter conclave.

Caesin Maekrix

The Caesin Maekrix or Master of The Forest in common is the resident clan ecologist and druid due to a peace agreement made with the wood elves and druids of the region during a period of Dekon history known as The Settlement 1 Dragonborn youngling is sent to foster with the wood elves and their druid circles every 10 years. Once these drekon druids become proficient enough in druidcraft they return to Stone Wing to make sure Clan Dreko abides by the agreements of the peace treaty. The most qualified among them is usually chosen to be the Caesin Maekrix. The Caesin Maekrix advises foraging and hunting habits, warns about the forest's potential dangers, and helps keep the clan in tune with nature and its whims. The Caesin Maekrix is also the closest thing clan Dreko have to a spiritual leader as many Dragonborn go to them for wisdom on finding inner peace and meditation, however, the Dreko dragonborn simultaneously distrust the Caesin Maekrix's religious worship of Gaia and her daughters. Like most noble dragonborn they refused to be chained by "Gods" again.

Levethix Maekrix

The Levethix Maekrix is the clan expert on Arcane and Magical phenomene. ironically enough they are usually not arcane casters themselves though, as Dragonborn have no racial or historical magics of their own to go off of since they were made as martial shock troops. However, occasionally a Drekon will be smart enough that the clan sends them to the College of Elvish Magical Inquiry in the Copper Coast, The Almuqadasan University, or very rarely and desperately the Wizard Guilds of Eastrin or Schools of The High Cities. Upon the return of these Dragonborn, sometimes who are assumed dead until their reemergence, they are usually either given the title of Levethix Makrix by the current holder of the position or put next in line for it. More common is that the position is held by a Sorceror of the Drekon clan. Although more likely than both these options is a rather ambitious scholar attempting to combat magical threats to the clan with mundane effectiveness.


General Overview

Clan Dreko was born from the Firebreath Commander Dreko's rebellion against the chromatic dragons who bred them as slaves of war. This rebellion was the first instance of disobedience from the Dragonborn and happened long before the conclusion of The Calamity War. This defining act by Dreko still affects the clan named after him thousands of years later. Clan Dreko has a belligerent attitude towards those they few as rivals and threats to their clan's future prosperity. They despise slavery and refuse to be settled near its existence, however, you can never convince a Drekon to move leading to war against slavers. Even if it would result in great casualties Drekon will never kill slave soldiers, and doing so even accidentally will weigh heavily on their conscience. Drekon are honorable warriors and while not above using cunning strategy in conflict will never stoop to dirty tricks or immoral acts of war, like killing civilians or poisoning food. Drekon hates chromatic dragons to the point where if they even hear rumors of them they will send scouts to verify information, even if it is months away. After the information is verified the entire clan is mobilized for war, with only the oldest and youngest staying behind. They are indifferent to metallic and other noble dragons however they would never allow themselves to become dependent on their aid except for the most dire of circumstances. Like all Dragonborn society Drekon gender roles are strictly enforced, and straying from them can result in becoming forsaken. Gender roles have evolved since The Settlement, a war fought by the remnants of Drekhanistan against the Wood Elves and Druids of the Geyajaf Forest. Men are kept around the Stone Wing settlement and fulfill roles of construction, farming, tool crafting, clan police, and general stewardship. They also comprise most of the defenders of the clan, but it isn't uncommon to find women in this position. Women are hunters, gatherers, loggers, miners, weavers, scouts, and primarily the offensive warriors of the clan. Being of a certain sex was not seen as a form of circumstance but rather as an obligation of duty to the clan, and stepping outside of this duty to the clan was tantamount to betraying its interests and placing its future in jeopardy. Because children are raised by the same sex as their parents these understandings of gender are repeatedly reinforced and serve as the main division of Drekon dragonborn. No matter the gender of the Dragonborn strict discipline is instilled in the children.

Relations with other races, kingdoms, and cultures

In the years before The Settlement during the Drekhanistan Empire Drekon Dragonborn saw other races as obstacles to their rightful dominance over Iskudar. Now that the trauma of the Calamity War is mostly a faded memory Drekon dragonborn can be quite agreeable with other races. They do not form generalizations of other people, and give each new member of a race a chance to prove themselves a worthy friend and ally, or bitter rival and enemy. Even tieflings, orcs, and drow are treated with respect by Drekon Dragonborn if they are found worthy of it.   Humans have barely a recollection of the Calamity War, let alone the Drekhanistan Empire for which Clan Dreko is drawn. Because of this humans generally view Dreko Dragonborn as they do most other Dragonborn, with caution and curiosity.   High City Elves and their noble families are disgusted by Drekon Dragonborn due to the grief the Drekhanistan Empire caused the burgeoning sun elf Kingdom of Arskifell during the Thunder War in the First Flowering and Elvish Golden Age.   Geyajaf Wood Elves are cautious of Drekon Dragonborn due to The Settlement, but aren't outwardly hostile and usually trade and good terms with the Dragonborn clan.   Little Fort Halflings are in a tense relationship with Dreko Dragonborn that has almost boiled over into war multiple times. No halfling would try to cause a diplomatic incident between the two groups, but conflict seems forever on the horizon.

Art and Leisure

Drekon Dragonborn are generally reserved when it comes to art, more so than most Dragonborn. They have no forms of expressieve literature, mostly in part because writing is an uncommon skill amongst Dreko Dragonborn, especially amongst women. Every piece of art that Drekon Dragonborn do make has to have a suitable practical purpose as well and like most things in Drekon Dragonborn society, the forms of expession that are socially acceptable are gated behind gender. Both genders are allowed to and even expected to decorate their longbows with wooden carvings and trophies from hunts and battles. Women go even further and wear the various baubles and trinkets collected from defeated beasts and and querry. The clothes women they weave often carry designs that represent various important milestones or achievements in the recipients life.

Forgotten, but not Gone.

Founding Date
4939 T3A
Geopolitical, Clan
Alternative Names
The Forgotten Clan
Related Species


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