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Basic Information


Dragonborn of both sexes average a height of 6 feet and 2 inches to 6 feet and 8 inches tall. A dragonborns impressieve hieght was usually matched with a heavty weight, weighing 220 to 320 pounds. Dragonborn feet ended with three strong talon-like claws with a fourth claw in the back, while their hands were similar with three claws with a thumb replacing the rear claw. A dragonborn's head featured a blunt snout, a strong bonecrest brow, and reptilian frills on the cheeks and ears. On the back of the head, a crest of hornlike scales formed what resembled a mess of spikey hair. Dragonborn eyes were usually red or gold in color.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragonborn sexually reproduce. The male dragon born inserts his sexual organ into the female. The scales around these sexual organs are designed to lock each mate together, once locked together the male deposits sperm inside the female and fertilizes the eggs (a process that takes about a minute) before unlocking. After a week the female lays the eggs, then after a month the eggs hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young dragonborn, who hatched from eggs like all other Draconic creatures, grew at an impressively rapid rate. This was likely an intentional feature of their genetic engineering by the dragons during The Calamity War. In the early parts of their life dragonborn grew 3 times as fast as humans, meaning that by the time a dragon born was 3 years old they had reached the maturity of a 9 year-old human. Dragonborn nursed their hatchlings for several months on a unique "milk" called Ytuskin. Ytuskin was produced from their body and aquired from nipples that would emerge from the dragonborns shoulders. Both male and female dragonborn formed these nipples when taking care of their offspring. A dragonborn would then slowly introduce soft food and then move towards normal dragonborn eating habits, which most contained meats and a few hearty vegtiables. Dragonborn cannot eat fruit, it is hostile to their biology. Their rate of maturation slowed dramatically after age 4 years and they were not considered physically mature until the age 12, when their bodies reached their adult height and appearance. During this time most dragonborn developed a breath weapon but not all did. Dragonborn consider not deveolping a breath weapon as a minor deformity.  Psychologically, dragonborn were considered mature as a human adult by age 12, and when they reached age 15 they were considered legally adults in most dragonborn societies. Once they did reach adulthood, dragonborn could expect a lifespan identical to that of humans.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragonborn's natural heat regulating abilities allowed them to inhabit most locations on Iskudar. By having a higher than average body heat as well as a large mouth and nostrils to ventilate said heat from their body, Dragonborn could either choose to conserve or expell excess body heat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

An average dragonborn needs 3,640 calories to healthily sustain their bodies. Their diet consists of meats and vegtables and they are particuarlly fond of stews. In more tradtional societies dragonborn aquire most of their meat through extensive and complex systems of animal husbandry, and their vegtables through basic agrarian means. In more isolated tribal situations dragonborn often hunt for their meat instead and grow tons of calory rich vegtables like ztharn root. Dragonborn prefer to dry and smoke meat and pickel their vegtables for preservation. They avoid salting their foods as dragonborn more often than not can't stand the taste of salt.

Biological Cycle

Dragonborn eggs have been noted to take considerably longer to hatch in the winter seasons. Dragonborn being very warm blooded allows them to stave off the effects of winters except for in the most extreme conditions.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Draconic creatures had normal sight through their eyes and normal hearing through their ears. Dragonborn very rarely exhitbed symptoms of psionic powers, about every 1 in 100,000 dragonborn.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Masculine Ignoble Dragonborn First Names Examples: Tiadranin, Saydros, Asgrifell, Arkhan, Daardendrien Kepeshkmolik, Nadaarko, Saarvin, Thavinkar, Mehen, Vrondiss, Nullsirekan, Arjhan, Balasar, Bharash, Donaar, Ghesh, Heskan, Kriv, Medrash, Mehen, Nadarr, Pandjed, Patrin, Rhogar, Shamash, Shedinn, Tarhun, Torinn   Feminine Ignoble Dragonborn First Names Examples: Tiatoma, Sadrin, Asgrofella, Thava, Maykheu, Vaedrae, N'Dreska, Thrashkana, Thrashka, Nullsiraka, kra, Biri, Daar, Farideh, Harann, Havilar, Jheri, Kava, Korinn, Mishann, Nala, Perra Raiann, Sora, Surina   Masculine Dragonborn First Names Examples: Asgrifell, Arkhan, Daardendrien, Nadaarko, Saarvin, Thavinkar, Verthisathurgiesh, Mehen, Vrondiss, Bahankril, Lyndrininonin, Nullstriko, Arjhan, Balasar, Bharash, Donaar, Ghesh, Heskan, Kriv, Medrash, Mehen, Nadarr, Pandjed, Patrin, Rhogar, Shamash, Shedinn, Tarhun, Torinn   Feminine Dragonborn First Names Examples: Sadrin, Asgrofella, Thava, Maykheu, Vaedrae, N'Dreska, kra, Biri, Daar, Farideh, Harann, Havilar, Jheri, Kava, Korinn, Mishann, Nala, Perra Raiann, Sora, Surina   Clan Names Examples: Clethtinthiallor, Daardendrian, Delmirev, Drachedandion, Fenkenkabradon, Kepeshkmolik, Kerrhylon, Kimbatuul, Linxakasendalor, Myastan, Nemmonis, Norixius, Ophinshtalajiir, Prexijandilin, Shestendeliath, Turnuroth, Verthisathurgiesh, Yarjerit   Dragonborn first names are often basic when compared to their clan names. In fact, it is often said a good dragonborn name stands in the shadow of it's clan name. Dragonborn young often recieve nicknames when they are young, these nicknames are usually used when around close family and clan members.  Dragonborn who belong to a clan often go by their clan name first to outsiders and use their first name last. Example: Clan-name First-name. This is done in order to place emphais on their connection to their clan, and allow their actions to bring prestiege and good will. Clan names are usually combinations of the clan founders name and their actions or famous traits. A dragonborn who has been foresaken by their clan will no longer use their clan name, and if it is found out they still do use their clan name they can expect harsh punishment.

Major Organizations

Tymanther is the most powerful dragonborn society. The nation is a powerful militant monarchy ruled by a monarch-general called the Vanquisher, and the council of all leaders of Tymanther clans called the Conclave. Tymanther hates chromatic dragons and regularly organizes parties to slay them, while other types of dragons are tolerated, barely.   Thulnoacharyte is a clan of dragonborn mercenaries that span all of Iskudar. They are renowned fighters, always fufilling their contracts to completion, and being known for soldiers of their word. Members of clan Thulnoacharyte take thier clans mercenary repuputation so seriously that those who are defeated in battle often time kill themsleves rather than face dishonor.

Beauty Ideals

Most dragonborn societies do not have a large widespread concept of beauty standards. Most partners are chosen based on clan ties, reputation, and any skills they might pass on to the children and by extension their clan. However, dragonborn do tend to find others of their kind with larger frills, broad shoulders, small scales, and more pronounced bone-brows more sutiable mates.


Dragonborn across Iskudar trace their origins back to the multiverse spaning conflict known as The Calamity War, a great conflict that lasted 3000 years and defined the Era for many cultures and societies. During this war the dragons wanted for a heavier type of shock troop, more reliable and physically able than the Kobolds. Kersaydran The Defiler, son of Kereska (God of Dragonic Magic), began to work his foul magics and sciences, and through the combination of both created the Dragonborn. To the dragons they were a race of warrior slaves, meant only to wreak havoc on the enemy. This martial origin is still seen heavily today in many dragonborn socities. When the war died down and it was clear to both sides they would no longer be able to fight the noble dragon Bahamut commanded his forces to attempt one last good deed, freeing the dragonborn. His reasons for doing so are heavily debated to this day, and this uprising serves as the greatest cleave of the dragon born culture. Bahamut claims that Tiamat planned on culling the dragonborn species so that they would not turn against her in the future, Tiamat claims that this is a lie spread by the Noble dragons as to weaken her and her forces. Loyal dragonborn sided with Tiamat and many of their disendants still serve Ignoble dragons and their ideals today, the rebels disendants splintered into many different factions, all opposed to the Ignoble dragons in someway. In more modern civilized times dragonborn on Iskudar now exist in tribes upon Ocular, the nation of Tymanther on Hanrar, and have little precense on Wristrar. Not much is known of the dragonborn who might inhabit the potential continents of the otherside of Iskudar.
Scientific Name
Draconic Humanoid
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