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65% Human: 15% Halfling: 5% Elf: 5% Dwarf: 10% Other. Humans inhabit all levels of society, along with halflings. Elves are typically minstrels, bards, or wanders who have decided to settle for one reason or another. Dwarves are among the wealthiest, being composed of merchants of jewels and precious metals and their entourage, representing their clans and merchant companies. The "other" include uncommon races, with a higher than normal amount of Hobgoblins, Leonin, and Half-Orcs. These people are not known to inhabit any type of set role and can be found anywhere in the city if found at all. 


50% Lowerclass: 35% Percent Middle Class: 15% Upperclass. The lower class includes people who work manual labor positions such as haulers, shovelers, shoemakers, prostitutes, and maids/servants of various kinds. These lower-class people can be found in West District, North District, Outer East District, and Southeast District. The middle class includes more skilled laborers which include; masons, carpenters, tailors, barbers, smiths, and jewelers. These people are mostly found in West District, North District, and Inner East District.



Eastrin is a city ruled by a viscount. He has absolute authority over citizens and those passing through his domain, with no legal responsibilities to those under him. This being said the viscount does have a legal responsibility to those over him, his liege lord. His obligation is to pay a percentage of the tax revenue collected to them. Another thing to note is just because there are no legal responsibilities does not mean the viscount cannot make deals and contracts that legally bind him to perform certain actions to his citizens. However, these contracts and deals are typically only formed with guilds, wealthy burghers, and foreign and domestic merchant companies, and thusly rarely are privy to the average citizen. The title of viscount is passed on from the holder to the eldest child regardless of sex, gender, race, or distance. However, with the approval of their liege lord the viscount can disinherit children.

Tax Officer

A tax officer is a person entitled to carry out the viscount's will regarding the taxation of citizens, property, and goods within Eastrin. They are tasked with auditing citizens to calculate the amount of taxes they can pay, with no guidelines or restrictions, leaving the process whole up to the officer's discretion. They are also known to patrol marketplaces with trusted aids to ensure that goods are being priced according to the viscount's will and that the taxes on the goods are being set aside to be paid to the viscount. Occasionally they will review the inventory of merchants' companies and sit in on guild meetings. Tax Officers in Eastrin are often wealthy burgers of the city, however, there have been exceptions, like Vicount Barlett's Tax Officers being childhood friends of his. Tax Officers are often accompanied by a complement of the city or private guards, the number of which changes depending on the district they are conducting business in. They are also able to report individuals for tax-related crimes and have them arrested by the city guard. To which they may be delivered punishment by the signing of a letter or be lucky enough to meet with The Viscount in person.  

Garrison Commander

The Garrison Commander serves as the focal point for the martial organization of the city and its forces. This includes guards of all ranks, knights, men-at-arms, and any forces levied for the defense of the city or to serve as the viscount's army. They also are tasked with managing and maintaining the gates, walls, battlements, and defensive equipment, as well as determining the amount of money that is needed to be paid to guards and soldiers. While this may seem like a lot The Garrison Commander typically divides out these responsibilities as they see fit, and sometimes a viscount might decide to oversee some matters personally. As for guards, they follow a ranking system; Guard Captain, Guard Sergent, Guard Regular, and Guard Recruit. These titles inform the guard who they can order around, how many guards they can take from other posts to aid in certain situations, and what authority they have over citizens.


Burghers are wealthy citizens of Eastrin who have limited power within its hierarchy. They typically serve as merchant contracts and people for the viscount to take loans from, but they also advise the viscount on matters of infrastructure and trade that concern them and their monetary interests. Burgers often use this power to increase their own wealth and beat potential competitors.


Law enforcement in Eastrin is a tricky thing, as the "law" really depends on where you are and whose watching. Of course, things like murder, stealing, kidnappings, and other such offenses are bound to get you detained. However, the line becomes blurred for things like defacing property, trespassing on citizens' territory, or non-physical or some forms of sexual harassment. Depending on what district you're in a guard might not even blink twice at these crimes, double which depends on what guard it is and if you're in good graces with them. When in Eastrin is important to remember that if it has to deal with something regarding the viscount and his potential taxes or organization it's likely a crime. This involves things like not paying taxes on goods, dodging the Tax Officer, stealing recipes of bakers, or doing business in which you are not permitted to.


Each district is surrounded by a defensible stone wall that stands about 15 feet in height. There are also guard towers that are scattered along with the city that is capable of raining town mountain crossbow shots on enemies below. The gates are equipped with tar trap installations as well as murder holes, and various guard barracks serve as mini bastions of defense should an enemy invade the walls. The walls are lined with battlements and covered stone towers that serve as crossbow nests. Mounted ballista and onager also adorned the wall defenses. The Palace also doubles as a castle keep and is surrounded by walls and a moat.

Industry & Trade

Eastrin mainly gains its wealth from merchants who come from the north meeting with merchants who come from the south. Goods are exchanged and taxes are placed upon these goods. The Pilgrims Road also leads directly to dwarfen settlements in the south, which normally supply precious gemstones, which jewelers in the city use to create elaborate and widely well-regarded gem jewelry and artwork. The inner city industries are dominated by Jewelry, Baking, and Masonry. Many citizens barter, while many others use coin currency to trade goods. Farmers often bring in crop and livestock goods from surrounding lands to sell in open markets and minor professions serve to keep the inner city economy moving. A highly valued item is animal furs and hides. This is due to Eastros's strange lack of wildlife in the fields and forests. . .Labor is another huge job, as many merchants, shops, guilds, and even normal citizens require goods to be transported, lifted, and tended to. These laborers are often paid cheaply and are constantly working to survive.


The infrastructure of Eastrin has a very natural and chaotic feel to it. Built-in a Romanesque style most of the buildings have circular archways and small windows covered by wooden shutters. Only certain stone roads were made by the viscount, others formed from packed dirt over time or were made from stone by wealthy landowning burghers. The flat-topped rooves of the romanesque architecture allow for the crossing of the town at the top of many of the buildings, and some overpasses exist that connect from one building to another. Newer and poorer parts of the city are not connected to the various cesspits that exist underground, instead of having their waste drain into the ruined underground of the city or low-lying places on the surface. The poorer and middle-class areas are much more closely compacted with their buildings, while the more wealthy areas are more spread out and have more tended to greenery and park plazas where individuals gather to enjoy a breath of fresh air or walk pets. Wizards and other mages are paid to clean and maintain the city along with laborers and craftsmen.


West District "Spear District": 

West District informally known as Spear District is the military/law enforcement center of the city. It holds most of the cities guards barracks and contains the Garrison Command center. It also houses many veteran soldiers or guards and their families and is thusly a very tight-knit straight-laced community. 

North District "Wheat District": 

North District, called wheat district among the populace, is the trade center and main residency for the middle class of the city. All of the minor industries guildhalls are located here. Merchant stalls are constantly opening and closing and the streets stay packed with vendors and apprentices advertising and selling goods. 

Center District "Shield District": 

Center District, also called the shield district due to its shape, is where the wealthiest of the city live, including the viscount. Tax collectors, guard captains, guild leaders, burghers also make their homes here. The viscount's cloud palace is located here as well.   

Inner East District "Hall District": 

Hall district contains the cities 3 main industries guildhalls; Jewelers, Bakers, and Masons. Many middle-class and nearly all wealthy people live in the Inner East District. It is pleasant and has a pleasing smell with parks and small forests. 

Outer East District:

The outer east district was commissioned by the Jewelers Guild in order to serve as a vacation home for dwarfish merchants who worked with the guild. As of late construction has slowed so not many people live here. Those that do either enjoy the peace and quiet or have no other choice. 

South East District "The Slums: 

Southeast district contains nearly all of the lower class people in the city. Its partially ruined from multiple disastrous events and is really only used as a cheap labor source for other districts. The populace is distrusted and looked down upon by other districts and they are ignored by most civil services except for the Tax Officers and the church. Many of the people in the southeast district are fearful of Drow due to their constant haunting visages and statues that remain from an ancient battle that took place in the city and the mysterious spider plague that infects some of those who live inside the city. Drow also serve as a scapegoat for the misfortune of the district and its people.


Enough weapons and arms to heavily equip 240 soldiers. Enough arms and armor to fairly equip 500 guards. Horses to field knights, squires, and mounted men at arms. Eastrin always has enough grain stored to feed 50% of its population for 3 months at a time. The treasury of Eastrin is estimated to have 1000 gold pieces in it constantly, as well as the artifact that once allowed the city to fly known as the Callitrix.

Guilds and Factions

The Wizard Guilds:

The city of Eastrin has 3 wizard guilds that are constantly at each other's throats for a large number of different reasons, first and foremost being the monopoly on the magic within the city. The guilds are as follows:


Organhange is a guild made up of wizards and mages who attempt to use magic to enhance their physical bodies by messing with their own biology. Organhange has a reputation for dealing with less than moral characters, and housing those who would use their magical abilities to better adapt them to subterfuge and thievery. Despite this, their guildhall is located in the southeast District. meaning the guard is likely not going to investigate the guild on the rumors unless they would prove a major threat.

The Jordans

The Jordans are a guild devoted to the study of abjuration and constructs for defense. They are a secretive and cautious group, rarely leaving from their homes or guildhalls, and rarely choosing to accept wizard duels or issue out challenges. Their guild is more secret than that of Organhange. Although one thing is known for sure, those of the guild who lower the reputation of the organization as a whole often end up missing, unable to be found.


Avaton is a guild that studies and wishes to wrangle control of the raw elements of the elemental planes, including the creatures that live in these alien realms. They have caused numerous incidents involving flash-freezing locations or causing large explosions of flame to burst from their towers. It is speculated that one such incident caused much of the southeast district to burn down and become rubble, although there is no proof of their involvement with the incident beyond the up and down swearing of residence.

The Merchant Guilds:

Eastrin has three prominent guilds that wield massive power and influence within the walled city. These guilds represent the interests of the three most important industries within the city, Jewelers, Bakers, and Masons. While normally they ignore and even sometimes aid each other in recent times they have become more hostile with each other as the economic situation in Eastrin declines.

Diamond a Dozen

Diamond a Dozen often shortened to DD is the guild that maintains control over the trade of jewelry. This guild was once the most powerful of all organizations in the city, just a nats hair short of the viscount themself. Possessing vast wealth these merchants consolidated their power together to remove competition and produce more profits. So while not directly controlling the trade of gemstones and luxury metals they have made trade deals with these industries in order to ensure that their jewelers get majority access to the raw materials needed for their craft, effectively cutting out competition. The guild, like all guilds, also serves as a secondary price regulator and form of internal quality control for the jewelers in the city, maintaining the utmost quality of their guildmember's products. Despite the immense power the guild once had things have been thrown into peril ever since the gemstones stopped flowing in from the south. . .


The Rubbletechs are the oldest of the guilds in the city and can trace their founding back to the days after the destruction of Eastrin in the 4th Age against Scion and her forces. Rising from the ashes the original members organized in order to best manage and rebuild the one great city, and attempt to replicate the beautiful architecture that once covered the city. Over the years they gained more prestige as they organized the construction and layout of the West District on the 123rd Sunsebb 5th Era. Nearly all of the mason contracting work is done through The Rubbletechs, and all of the masons in the city are welcome and encouraged to join it. What they lack in power they make up for in respect.

Sugar Spice

Sugar Spice formed when viscount Malrine Barlett decided to decrease the prices on bread and baked goods, so that the poor commoners may be able to afford food better. They formed in protest and decided to keep the prices the same to keep their profits. With their collective wealth, they were able to convince many of the wealthy burghers and farming elites to support their choice, essentially vetoing Marline Barlett's action. Before he could send his soldiers to demand that the prices be changed he was arrested by Ryn Celtigar, Lord of Eastros. Marline was executed, and in this period of no direct ruler, Sugar Spice gained more power over the commoners and the trade of wheat, bread, sugar, and exotic spices.

Mrs. Government:

Another important group of factions in Eastrin are the governmental institutions of the city that deal with the legal, judiciary and protection of the city. The three institutions that are responsible for this are The City Guard, The Tax Offices, and The Viscount Authority.

The City Guard

The Eastrin City Guard are the forces that are responsible for policing and enforcing the will of The Tax Offices and The Viscount Authority. They encompass not only the guards of the city but also training and maintaining the man-at-arms, knights, and all of their assets and equipment. They are lorded over by The Garrison Commander who has divided the different jobs under their responsibility to The Asset Manager, Guard Commander General, and The Lord Justicar.

The Tax Offices

The Tax Offices have the responsibility of taxing the citizenry of Eastrin, as well as any goods they might attempt to sell in the city or its jurisdiction. They, and the people they employ, will perform audits of citizens living in the city to determine what proper amount of wealth should be levied from them and given to the viscount. They take into account many things including actual coinage, property wealth, and the goods or services they could provide. They also patrol the market places ensuring that goods are priced correctly and that the foreign and domestic merchants pay the proper tax on goods they sell within the city. 

The Viscount Authority

The Viscount Authority essentially boils down the forces that report directly to the viscount and perform their direct commands or orders, instead of going through a long process of the other branches of the city. This includes the Winged Blades, courtiers, and nobles, and burghers directly loyal to the viscount. Those who operated in this area of command could overwrite even the most powerful of officials with the simple show of a simple or utterance of a phrase, "I carry the word and will of our Lord, The Viscount of Eastrin."  

The Churches: 

Eastrin has 4 churches that despite not controlling any real power since the elimination of The Ecclesiarchy, have large sways of influence throughout the common folk, even if they rarely use this influence to make any change. The Churches mostly perform charity work for the commoners, give blessings and religious council, as well as provide shelter for many of the homeless residents and traveling religious folk of the 8 Orphans.


Eastrin was once a wizard city, founded by the renowned 10th level caster Marwyn Clout. The city was protected by a magic force field and powerful Griffen riders, whose namesake is still used by the knights of Eastrin. The city was reportedly founded so that Marwyn could have uncontested control of the populace without having to battle the Hobgoblins, orcs, giants, and ancient human civilizations who would steal and murder his people who he considered property. People lived in squalor and suffering but soon were aided by the Silverstag family, who were waging a war against the Tyrannical wizard kings. Agents snuck into the city and caused the populace to rise up against Matrice Blousik (at the time the current ruler), who in rage destroyed the magical item keeping the city afloat causing it to plummet to the ground. Soon the ruins were repopulated by humans again, and the city's location proved valuable to the fighters battling the orc and goblin menace. It grew in wealth as it began to become a center of trade between the human nations and the dwarf kingdoms to the south, which continued into its future until it was attacked by Scion and her dark army of chaotic humans, dark elves, orcs, and goblinoids. The Whistle Horn Rodents were able to help a majority of the populace escape while using the city's sacking and destruction to prove that Scion was a threat that The Five Kingdoms of Man should take seriously. Once again the people of Eastrin would resettle in the ruins after the war was over, having to battle a tribe of Hobgoblins who had set up a slaver camp in the city that was now partially covered in drow statues and relics. The righteous Human, Dwarf, and Elf forces were lead by the dashing and powerful Torin Barlette, whose family line would rule this city into current day.

Points of interest

West District:

Vronk's Holdfast

Vronk's Holdfast is a 40-foot high military guard complex that keeps watching over West District. At max capacity, it can hold 700 defenders and just under 1000 noncombatants. Despite being a military fortification dating back to the start of the 5th age, it mainly serves as a command center for the city guards, as patrol routes, armament, supplies, and orders are all delivered and formulated in this 1800-year-old micro castle. In addition to this, it is the cities prison. It also houses the top-ranking members of The City Guard. Its construction is distinctly non-nomidian and is very reminiscent of Hobgoblin architecture with astute slanted defenses, purpose-built kill zones, and old feature worn-down statues of warriors adorning the battlements.

The War Maid

The War Maid is a tavern-inn built from an old guard barracks. It is nicely tended to and typically supports individuals of a modest lifestyle. It's a common rest stop for individuals coming from the west as well as off-duty guards.   

Center District:

Palace of The Fallen Tyrant

The Palace of The Fallen Tyrant is a beautiful white and gold palace said to have been made from the clouds themselves. It is adorned with the depictions of angels, and mages, and has two great white stone wings rising from the back of the palace, although they are crumbled and broken. The palace is 5 stories high and serves as a commonplace for the upper crust of Eastrin society to arrange meetings and parties, with the viscount's permission of course.

Tower of Balance

The Tower of Balance is a large stone tower that is connected by four buildings representing one of each of the four elemental planes. This place serves as the guildhall for Avaton. Despite being incorporated in the same guild most of the guild members are highly antagonistic with each other branches of elemental study, and duels are common between guildmates. The weather of this area does not typically conform with that of the city, changing on what seems like a whim. 

Southeast District:

The Overpass

A seedy tavern-inn was constructed from the ruins of a large overpass that once connected West District and Inner East District. People who stay here are either down on their luck or have a criminal background, or simply can tolerate the poor living conditions.

The Despoiled One

Surrounded by rubble and ancient drow alters stands a 17-foot statue of the dark god of the drow, Lolth. Most commoners are disturbed by the mere sight of it, and rarely speak of it. Despite their attempts of ignoring it they always feel its presence staring down upon them, almost as if the stone creation actively plots their enslavement and destruction. It has remained untouched since its construction and use, and will likely remain that way for the foreseeable future. 

The Dice Box

The Dice Box is an underground den of straw and old unkept stone that the guild wizards of Organhange call home. It's seedy, filled with whores and alcohol, as well as strange animalistic noises that the locals swear fill the night. 

North District: 


Abjstructa is the collection of fortified and walled wizard towers that encompass the guild holdings of The Jordans. It is simple and boring on the outside, and nearly no one outside the guild has seen anything beyond the boringly decorated courtyard where wizards commute and test simple clockwork automatons. Faint mechanical noises can be heard sometimes coming from the stone towers. 

Coin Works

The Coin Works is where the highly accomplished merchants, business owners, and courtiers, and skilled royal servants meet. Here they share each other's company, drink, share trade gossip and rumors, make important business deals, and room and board. The experience here is that of wealthiness and luxury, enjoying some of the best meals and service Eastrin can offer.   

Cleanfoot Inn

Cleanfoot Inn provides a comfortable living location for the citizens that fall into a moderate amount of wealth. Its often frequented by foot merchants, tradesmen, men-at-arms, and traveling knights.


Some tourists come to see The Palace of The Fallen Tyrant or the great parks and plazas of Inner-East District, and thusly are typically very well off individuals. The noble ones typically stay within the palace itself, while the others lodge at locations such as Coin Works or Cleanfoot Inn.


Eastrin follows a Romanesque architectural style called Imitari, which is old common for imitation. This is because Imitari was the attempt to replicate the forgotten methods of building cities once used by humans before the loss of knowledge during Scion's Heresy. This includes small windows that are not found in great numbers on buildings, rounded archways, common flat roofs for most business or residential buildings, and overpasses that connect buildings together. The stone used in construction is sandstone quarried from dwarfish cities to the south, and the wood is oak harvested from the surrounded forests. Buildings in wealthy districts have symmetrical cut stones smoothed off to provide a clean finish, while poorer districts have a rough-hewn stone that looks sloppy in its construction but still conforms with the Imitari structure. Church structures follow a gothic style of Shaven, which sets them apart from the uniformity of the city


Eastrin is located in low land that is a result of when the city crashed into the ground from the sky. Since then vegetation has covered the scared earth, but the rough stone still sticks up from land surrounding the city. The polluted Heirst river flows to the east of the city and provides locations for mills and other water-based industries such as fishing. Eastrin is covered with the constant stench of the city, which one quickly gets uses to, forgetting what fresh air smells like until they enter the gardens of the palace or the parks of the Inner East district. That being said Eastrin does have a certain urban beauty to it at night when the only thing alight are the stars and lanterns of hard-working commoners, which causes the stone city to be illuminated beautifully under the night sky.

Natural Resources

Eastrin as a city and as a part of Eastros lacks many valuable natural resources but makes up for it in abundant farming and grazing land for cattle. Eastrin also is capable of growing a worse sugar substitute called Kobold sugar. It's more grainy and is harder to properly cook with, and has a much duller taste, however, a worse sugar is often better than no sugar. This also has allowed a small baking industry to grow within the city as the abundant wheat is used to make dough for pastries and bread.
Founding Date
Sometime During the Third Era
Alternative Name(s)
The Fallen City
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank


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