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The Five Kingdoms of Man

The Five Kingdoms of Man

On the continent of Ocular lies a group of 5 kingdoms that were once united in one Empire known as The Kingdom of Man. After the death of the last High King in 523 5th Era, the empire split into the smaller kingdoms that once existed before it. Since then each kingdom has developed its own system of government, laws, and even cultures. These five kingdoms are as follows:  

The Kingship of Bilow

Bilow is a kingdom ruled by noble lords and a monarchy. Its lands consist of rolling hills, rivers, lakes, and some forests. Despite this it is not a feudal nation, feudalism being a dead concept in the five kingdoms since the end of the 3rd era. Its commoners are not bound to the land on which they are born and are free to leave and return, so long as they pay taxes on their estates and holdings. Knights, however, are still rewarded with land and wealth for their service and other ways seen fit by their lord.  

The Republic of Amatrace

Amatrace is a nation that borders the harsh Ishalan desert to the east of The Five Kingdoms of Man. Amatrace is filled with wide-open flat land. It lacks many resources like iron, and coal, but makes up for it in land that can be used for cattle grazing and crops. The one resource that Amatrace has in spades is Nitre, a fact that has helped influence their gunpowder weapons. Amatrace's government is split into three distinct branches. The Military, ruled by a Furher. Parliament, ruled by a governmental body of elected noble families. The Crown, ruled by The Monarch of Amatrace and his noble family. Amatrace borders its constant rival; The Desert Princeability of Ishal.  

The Great Prestigious Empire of Qabow

Qabow is a kingdom with a history soaked in the blood of its people due to its tyrannical ruling family. It's a cold and harsh land, the furthest north-most human kingdom recognized by other kingdoms. Its lands consist of great pine forests, rolling snowy hills and mountains, and harsh tundras that are often covered by snowy winds from higher elevations. The people there are deeply faithful to The 8 Orphans and the survival of the community is often placed above the desires of the people. Although the rulers deny it, Qabow has always had its sights on the lands of the kingdom that lies south of it, Fowdya. In recent years there are even rumors that they have begun to make their play. . .  

The Realms of Fowdya

Fowdya was once a kingdom ruled by a powerful and wealthy noble family. However, after a series of mad kings and queens the ruling family has resigned to their great mountain fortress said to be built by giants. After the organization of The Kingdom of Man fell apart, the cut-off parts of their realm soon fell into chaos. Thusly many governing groups have formed in the 1300~ years after The Empires fall. The Lords of neighboring Kingdoms often occupy the land of Fowdya and often come in conflict with the Fowdyians. The most well-known are the Haleic tribes a group that prefers the old ways, and the Permsmith Bloc a nomadic group that constantly battles giants. Although other governments exist, not all of them are ruled by humans.  

The Grand Knightship of Swordia

Swordia is ruled by knights. Knights fill every governmental role from tax collector to governor, and the highest-ranking knights are the 11 Swords, who rule over the entire kingdom. The only way to achieve political power is to get knighted and then prove yourself worthy to your superiors in order to receive a promotion. A knight's rank is denoted by the number of swords they have embroidered on their cape from 1 to 11. The knights pride themselves on honor and chivalry and have long since feuded with the Haleic “savages”, even before the fall of The Kingdom of Man. The commoners of The 11 Swords are known for producing great tales of heroics, and many of the heroes of the past hail from their lands.

Articles under The Five Kingdoms of Man


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