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The Grand Knightship of Swordia


The kingdom's organization is oligarchic in nature. The most highly renowned knights sit at the top of the 11 sword councils. This council serves as the head of state when there is not a Knight's King elected, and makes important economic, geopolitical, and legislative choices. Most of the time they are committed to their castle in the city of Karholt, working through the mountains of concerns presented to them by influential citizens and high-ranking knights. That being said it would be impossible to manage the kingdom by themselves. The leadership of the nation is further broken down as follows.

High Wardens:

Swordia is divided into two vastly different regions called High Knightships. There are the forested hills and highlands of the east known as East Swordia, and the flat grassy plains of West Swordia. These High Knightships are each ruled by a High Warden, who the 11 Sword Council chooses. The High Wardens are 10 sword knights who rule with absolute reference and authority, only answering to the 11 sword councils. They are responsible for maintaining order and safety in their High Knightships, promoting knights to higher statues, selecting wardens for Knightships, enforcing the rules and laws enacted by the council, and creating their own rules and laws to better serve the 11 Sword Council's established positions. High Wardens rule until they die, resign, or are replaced by the 11 Sword Council.

Lesser Wardens:

Every High Knightship is divided into lesser knightships. These Lesser Knightships are ruled over by Wardens. Wardens are selected by their predecessors and ascend to the position once their mentor dies or resigns. Wardens are given lots of freedom to act as they please within their Knightships, pursuing their Knight Objectives as they see fit, so long as they do not disappoint their High Warden or break the laws established by them or the 11 Sword Council. Knight Objectives are monthly reports sent to each Warden that give them an overview of their quotas, missions, violations, orders, and new laws they are to enforce. Wardens can choose to appoint lesser knights to court positions or rule entirely themselves. Wardens typically choose a successor knight, who they mentor and groom for command by instilling their values and government tactics through shadowing and regent work. If they fail to do so the High Warden will appoint one upon their death or resignation.   Knight Lord: Knight Lords are knights assigned as commanders of military castles territories or other fortified or military regions. They are appointed by Lesser Wardens and rule until their death or resignation. Knight Lords are masters of garrison maintenance and defensive military tactics. Their forces are responsible for protecting against major threats such as gnolls, goblinoid Hosts, and foreign invasion. Knight Lords also organize scouting parties to analyze and report logistical and tactical recon on the enemies of Swordia. When war breaks out the Knight Lords and their holdings are the most prepared.  

Knight Magistraight:

Knight Magistraights are knights assigned as commanders of cities and towns and other regions populated by citizens. They are appointed by Lesser Wardens and rule until their death or resignation. Knight Magistraights specializes in urban and rural development. Their forces are responsible for enforcing laws, collecting taxes and tithes, evaluating property values, and settling disputes among citizens. Knight Magistraights also retrieve population data, ensure the lawful extraction of natural resources, and keep the beauty of the country in good condition.  

Knight Enforcer:

Knight Enforcers are the general knights of Swordia. They fill in the manpower requirements of the kingdom, serving as it's guards, soldiers, tax collectors, judges, etc. Knight Enforcers can have various ranks like Knight Errants, Knight Questors, etc, but the rank of the enforcer and their title is entirely dependent upon which job they are filling. After a knight has received their first sword they will spend a period of their career exploring different opportunities to serve as an enforcer, typically settling on a type of enforcer they will stick with by the time they reach 4 swords.  

Knight Paladins:

Knight Paladins are a separate order of religious knights who have authority over every other level of knight except for the 11 Sword Council. The Knight Paladins are entirely autonomous and select knights to join their order based on religious guidance and visions. The responsibilities of the Knight Paladins are using divination to aid Swordia, battling against fiendish threats, hunting and defeating rouge mages, creating powerful magical items for high-ranking knights, and, most commonly, the weaving of the magical threads that denote a knights rank. Without Knight Paladins anyone could pose as a Swordian Knight, a common problem of the past. Now the order serves as the enigmatic relgious guide for the country.


Sword's culture divides into two vastly different groups depending on what side of the country they hail from. While both sides are Nomidian and worship the 8 Orphans they perceive the world, their country, art and music, gender and sexuality, and most prominently the knight order that rules over them, differently.

East Swordian Culture:

East Swordian Culture is defined by its artistic and conservative sensibilities. Music, art, and most of all literature are regarded high above all else, and nearly all of the citizenry engage in some form of artistic expression-even in their non-artistic occupations. Blacksmiths make art from metal or engrave stories or drawings on their tools, tavern-inn owners write plays or play instruments, wealthy merchants use high-quality paints to emulate the greats, etc. East Swordians revere the great history of their knights and honor them with gifts and fantastical tales. Every East Swordian has a favorite story of a hero from legend, and this part of the kingdom is well known for producing great legends of all kinds, whether they be artists, scholars, or warriors. A common motif of the culture is the idea of The Pure Maiden. The Pure Maiden is the idea that women are creatures of piety and purity that need to be protected and kept "pure". This has made its way into law; female prostitution is illegal, women are not allowed to drink "heavy" alcohols, wines, and liquors on weekdays, and they are not allowed to be drafted into citizen militia just to name a few. The culture regarding sexual expression is different as well. Women who are seen as having sex for pleasure are oftentimes ostracized and shamed, and wearing "immodest" clothing in public is a good way to stir up gossip. For this reason, lesbian sexual relationships are explicitly frowned upon, and showing a sexual interest in a man is seen as unpure and an undesirable trait. For men, there is no such standard. Sexual desires are seen as a natural part of being a man, and gay sexual relationships are regarded with indifference to some and preferability to others. Other people see East Swordians as stuck up and unable to engage with the real world, as they hide behind their massive walled fortifications that sometimes encompass entire Knightships. East Swordian's few other cultures indifferently, except for West Swordians, who they few as savages and deviants who do not exemplify honor and regalness.  

West Swordian Culture:

West Swordian culture is defined by what it is not. It not being East Swordia. While East Swordian's spend their lives perfecting artistic crafts West Swordians focus their attention on tasks and hobbies with practical uses. Ranching, smithing, carpentry, hunting, and gunslinging. Even though West Swordians can be as boastful and hyperfocused as East Swordian most of them have a more relaxed approach to their crafts. Horse riding is a commonly practiced sport, and attracts many competitions and tourneys. Firearms and their modification is also very popular due to the legend of Gunslinger's Glory. West Swordia has no strict cultural norms, as it is mostly made of outcasts from not just the country but all of The Five Kingdoms of Man. A common turn of phrase is "West Swordia is Where People go to be who they've locked away." Because of this, they are generally welcoming, friendly, and always willing to help outsiders and travelers around. West Swordia has a history of being exploited by East Swordia and The 11 Sword Council, and thusly harbor a resentment for knights that is likewise returned.

Demography and Population

Racial Demographics:

80 percent of the kingdom are nomdian humans. 10 Percent are nomdian halflings. 5 percent are gnomes. 5 percent other races. The total population is 18-20 million people.  

Population Spread:

66 percent of the population lives inside the walled settlements and knightships of East Swordia, with the other 34 percent living in the vast plains of West Swordia. East Swordians most have artisan or craftsmanship occupations, with about 20 percent of East Swordians having agricultural and animal husbandry jobs. The opposite is true for West Swordia, with 80 percent animal husbandry jobs and 20 percent artisan or craftsmanship jobs.

Foreign Relations

Swordia has always had an insular diplomatic stance, focusing its efforts and energies on painting its own standing and stability rather than imposing its will on others. That being said it is unavoidable to have some interaction between Swordia and the other kingdoms and groups that lie inside the pupil of Ocular.    

The Kingdom of Bilow

Swordia and Bilow are geographic neighbors, leading to frequent trade and communication between the lords of Bilow and the knights of Swordia. Relations are more often than not positive due to the similar political structures of the nation. Many nobles of Bilow themselves are knighted, leading to much common ground and cooperation of mutual threats like The Black Fang or Hobgoblin hosts that threaten the security of either kingdom. Moreover, the common folk of Bilow are raised on stories of Swordian Knight heroics and ballads, and they revel in the opportunity to see a Swordian artisan practice their craft. These combined factors lead to an overall positive diplomatic stance between the kingdoms, but there is no formal alliance.  

The Galrun Tribes

The rivalry between the Galrun tribes and Swordia has lasted for centuries. The common folk and rulers of swordia have always regarded their Galurinian neighbors as uncivilized and backwards, while the Galrun view swordians as fake and disconnected from what makes them human. The Harii (Galrun warrior elite) and Knights have battled for various reasons throughout history, and even in current times skirmishes between the two groups are not uncommon along the border despite the official stance being peace. The last great conflict between the two nations was in the 500th year of the fifth age

Justice, Honor, Duty, Chilvary. We knight's of the 11 swords pledge ourselves to the kingdom of Swordia, and all of it's citizens.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The 11 Swords, Kingdom of The Roundtable, Knight Protectors of The Realm, Swordia
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
The citizens of Swordia use the Currency Within The Five Kingdoms for their transactions with coins, but many villages still use bartering systems of trade.
Legislative Body
The 11 Sword Council is the high legislative body but defers power to The Wardens as well.
Judicial Body
The Wardens serve as the main judicial body, interpreting the doctrines and decrees set out by the 11 Sword Council and making them into laws that govern their knightships.
Executive Body
The Knight Enforcers are the strong arm of the kingdom, enforcing the laws with graceful brutality and martial ability.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


The Kingship of Bilow and The 11 Sword Council of Swordia have cooperated in the past against common threats such as Orcs, Goblinoids, and Gnolls. As such knights of Swordia respect the nobility and knights of Bilow, and the people regard the knights of Swordia as heroes. Even though Swordian knights have no actual political power in Bilow they are threatened the same and sometimes even better than Bilowish knights.


The 11 Sword Council Of Swordia recently finished their war of extermination against The Black Fang. Knights of Swordia are instructed to slay any Gnolls they come across and then attempt to locate more. This brutal war of extermination has weakened the Black Fang and forced them to go into a period of recuperation.


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