Sar'Sagoth Character in Ispérion | World Anvil


Sar'Sagoth is one of the major deities of The Faisceau Pantheon, one of the most common religions on Ispérion.

To this day, he is one of the Malvern, the malevolent deities of this pantheon. But that wasn't always the case. For in the beginning, Sar'Sagoth, then called Sar, was indeed a God...

  At that time, now known as the Supreme Era or Supra-Era, the gods had just appeared, and many of them had not yet been born. Ebor, Primordial God and father of all others, had just created and shaped Septime with the Dust, and Septime themselves, androgynous deity, had just given birth to Isnime, Coré, Faara and Leonor, the 4 elemental deities.
  Having created the 4 elemental deities, Ebor saw fit to give life to the first terrestrial, mortal species: the Fehnen. Soon, Ebor and the other gods realized that the individuals created were corruptible and lacked virtue. So new gods had to be conceived to regulate mortals. Thus was born Sar, God of Temperance, and a handful of other deities destined to bring balance to mortals.
  Sar was a good and reasonable God, with a gentle temperament and a peaceful spirit. He was renowned for his tranquil beauty. His immaculate hair con trasted with the piercing black of his eyes, deep but never severe. His charm captivated and his serenity fascinated. He was a respected and loved God, mortals and deities alike. Sar himself was very fond of his companions as well as mortals, and he was convinced that despite their faults, creatures endowed with life were precious and brilliant beings. And yet, the quietude didn't last.


Sar, during the quarrel between Saga and Thaesis, was one of those who refused to take sides. He, God of Temperance, was not willing to agree with either deity. Saga, his brother and God of Knowledge, had certainly seen his species decimated by that of Thaesis. But the Malvern, if he had been created, seemed necessary, for Good and Evil balance each other. The other deities having followed their own reason or that of their consorts, no one intervened. And so it happened. Saga challenged Thaesis, who flew into a fury that provoked what is now known as the The Great Schism.

Sar, like the others, saw his world shaken, shattered and fractured. He saw Serreth fall, brothers and sisters separated, kindreds torn apart. He saw Thaesis happy and Saga unhappy. And so, Sar, God of Temperance, metamorphosed into Sar'Sagoth, God of Anger, Despair and Madness. His faith in all living creatures disappeared, replaced by the despair of seeing his consorts torn apart. His quietude was replaced by anger at not having intervened to avoid the conflict, and rage at seeing his brother go under. His gentle beauty was transformed into a sinister, disquieting charm. His eyes widened, his mouth twisted into a rictus.

  Thus was the metamorphosis of the gentle Sar into the monstrous Sar'Sagoth.
Divine Classification
God of Wrath, Despair and Madness


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Jul 3, 2024 01:29 by Aster Blackwell

I think this is really interesting! I'm really excited to see what it will be like if you decide to polish it more. I like the concept of a Temperance god turning into something violent and passionate.

Jul 3, 2024 10:46 by Phèdre

Oh thank you so much for your comment, it means so much to me !! I have to admit that I wasn't particularly proud of this article, but I'm not very fast, so if I want to finish all my prompts, I'm obliged to publish my articles, even if I don't really think they're finished. So I'll probably polish it up after the SC ! I hope you have a great Summer Camp !

Jul 3, 2024 01:45 by Keon Croucher

A great piece of worldbuilding, a fine addition and a fine first dip into Summercamp. Yes perhaps you could expand, or polish, and given how this reads, the effort and passion in it, I'd think you will. However this is a wonderful addition to Isperion, and a major character (I mean they are a diety/divine entity after all) who definitely will come up in other articles and have plentiful connections to other bits of your world lore in the future I would imagine. The concept is really interesting too, and invokes the imagination as to sort of powerful emotions that must have been at play for such a transition.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Jul 3, 2024 10:53 by Phèdre

Wow, thank you so much for your comment, it's wonderful and couldn't make me happier ! I do intend to refine it, probably after the SC. Your comments make me so happy, and they give me wings, I will continue to work to develop my world and do my best during the SC ! I also wish you all the best for your Camp, and I'm sure you'll rock it <3