The Aulriks

Anatomy & Morphology

Aulriks are bipedal humanoids, averaging between 1.8 and 2.1 meters in length. Their thick skin is covered with fine but dense down, providing effective insulation against the extreme cold of their home planet. Their skin varies in shades of white and silver, camouflaging perfectly in Orson's icy landscapes. Their eyes are large and luminous, often silvery in color, enabling them to see through long periods of polar night. They have a nictitating membrane to protect their eyes from the icy wind and snow, but also from the sun reflecting off the ice.
Aulriks have a layer of subcutaneous fat, providing extra protection against freezing temperatures. Their metabolism is extremely efficient, enabling them to extract maximum energy from their food.    

Perception & Sensory / Extrasensory capabilities

Natural Extrasensory Capacities
Aulriks are exceptionally sensitive to temperature variations. Their skin, equipped with specialized thermal receptors, can detect the tiniest changes in heat. This ability enables them to anticipate snowstorms and identify sources of geothermal heat beneath the icy surface.
Aulriks' large eyes are adapted to the dark, enabling them to see clearly even in the long polar nights. Their retinas are rich in photoreceptor cells sensitive to low light, enhancing their ability to navigate and hunt in low-light conditions.  
Extrasensory Technological Capabilities
The Aulriks have created special boots with ultra-sensitive sensors that pick up even the slightest vibrations in the ground. During violent blizzards or enchanted frost storms, they use a complex communications system based on the vibrations generated in the ground when they stamp their feet.    

Genetics & Reproduction

Aulriks form partnerships based on emotional affinity and genetic compatibility. Partnership ceremonies are important social events, marked by rituals and celebrations. Partnerships last a lifetime. Reproduction is synchronized with the Ice Summer, when conditions are most favorable for the growth of young.    

Growth Rate & Stages

Birth and infancy
Birth : Aulriks are born after a pregnancy period of 18 months, an evolutionary trait allowing for advanced fetal development. Births are scheduled to take place at the beginning of the Ice Summer, ensuring that newborns have access to abundant resources.
Early childhood (0-10 years) : Aulrik newborns are relatively large and robust, weighing around 5 kg at birth. The first years of life are spent in secure underground shelters, where they receive constant care. Their bodies are protected by a layer of dense down that develops rapidly after birth.
Childhood and Adolescence
Childhood (10-30 years) : During this period, young Aulriks continue to grow rapidly. They spend a lot of time learning the skills they need to survive, such as hunting, exploring and understanding advanced technologies. Their immune systems strengthen, and their bodies gradually adapt to external climatic conditions.
Adolescence (ages 30-60) : Adolescence is marked by significant physiological changes. Young Aulriks undertake rites of passage, such as the solitary journey to the surface, to prove their endurance and ability to survive in the hostile environment. Their metabolism and sensory capacities reach full maturity.
Young Adult (60-120 years) : Aulriks are entering their full physical and mental maturity. This is the most active period of their lives, characterized by intense participation in community activities such as hunting, scientific research and infrastructure maintenance. They also begin to enter into partnership relationships and think about reproduction.
Mature Adult (120-200 years) : Aulriks in this age bracket are respected members of society, often responsible for youth leadership and making important community decisions. Their accumulated experience is invaluable for collective survival.  
Old age
Elder (200+ years) : Aulriks over the age of 200 are considered elders. Although their physical activity is declining, their role as teachers, advisors and guardians of knowledge is crucial. They play a central role in cultural ceremonies and the transmission of traditions.


Ecology & Habitat

Orson is a polar planet, characterized by expanses of ice and snow, rugged mountains and frozen seas. The Aulriks have built underground habitats to protect themselves from the cold and strong winds. Their underground cities are engineering marvels, with heated tunnels, air recycling systems and geothermal heat sources. They have also developed surface structures in the form of ultra-technological city-domes, made from highly resistant and insulating materials. These buildings serve as surveillance and communication points, as well as living quarters.    

Dietary needs & habits

The Aulriks have developed a complex and effective set of strategies for procuring, preserving and protecting their food in Orson's hostile polar environment. Their diverse diet, advanced hunting and gathering methods, and sophisticated storage systems are all adapted to their survival. Thanks to their ingenuity and community cooperation, the Aulriks have managed to thrive in extreme conditions, guaranteeing the food security of their species.
They feed mainly on seaweed and marine plants, rich in nutrients and vitamins. They harvest seaweed using adapted tools and techniques to minimize the impact on marine ecosystems. They are then dried and stored for future consumption.
The Aulriks grow plants and vegetables in underground hydroponic farms. These crops are grown under artificial light and in controlled environments, guaranteeing stable and diversified food production. In addition to vegetables, they grow mushrooms and edible algae, which are rich in nutrients and can be cultivated with a minimum of light. Taking advantage of Orson's freezing temperatures, the Aulriks use natural freezing methods to preserve meat and fish. Food is stored in freezing chambers located in the coldest areas of their underground habitats.


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Jul 9, 2024 17:33 by CoolG

Other than the text being a bit hard to read, this is a good article. Keep it up ^^

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