The End of the World according to the Jaspeans

The Jaspeans, one of Corpolis' six castes, live in aerial cities floating above the clouds. These cities, supported by levitating crystals and magical currents, symbolize the quest for freedom and spiritual elevation. Yet even in these celestial heights, a dark mythological tale troubles the minds of the Jaspeans : the myth of the Flayed Heavens. This apocalyptic legend is inscribed in the archives of the Great Library of Parator.  

The Warning Signs

  The myth describes several warning signs heralding the end of the floating cities :
Dark Clouds : Abnormally dark clouds will begin to surround the floating cities, obscuring the sky and disrupting the air currents that support the structures. These clouds will carry powerful thunderstorms, making air navigation dangerous and unpredictable.
Abnormal Winds : The winds, once the bearers of soothing melodies, will begin to emit mournful, ominous sounds, heralding the breakdown of harmony between the cities and the elements.
Cracked Crystals : Levitating crystals, the source of stability in aerial cities, will show signs of fragility, with cracks suddenly appearing on their surface.  

The Coming of the Flayed Heavens

  The myth describes the moment when the heavens will be torn apart and cities will fall :  
"When the winds cease their dance and the crystals shatter,
The floating cities will fall from the celestial heights,
The heavens will split open, letting in the shadows below.
The songs of the winds will turn to screams,
And the Jaspeans will have to choose between falling and rising."

The Journey of the Chosen

  To avert catastrophe, prophecy describes the Journey of the Chosen, a crucial quest :
The Chosen of the Winds, chosen for their wisdom and courage, will embark on a dangerous journey through uncharted territories. Their mission is to recover ancient artifacts and knowledge essential to restoring balance to the heavens.
Their journey will take them to mystical places, where they'll have to complete trials and solve riddles. They will search for fragments of purified crystals capable of repairing levitation crystals, and discover ancient secrets that will restore harmony between the elements.
The journey will be fraught with pitfalls : the Chosen will have to face supernatural creatures, navigate perilous landscapes, and enlist the help of isolated tribes and sages who hold lost knowledge.  

The Hope of Renewal

  Despite the threat described, the myth hints at the possibility of renewal. If the Jaspeans can join forces and repair the levitation crystals, they can restore balance and revive their cities in purified skies. The winds will once again carry melodies, and celestial harmony will be restored.
      The myth of the Flayed Heavens is much more than an apocalyptic tale. For the Jaspeans, it is a reminder of the fragility of their aerial world and the importance of unity and vigilance. By preserving their traditions and respecting the natural forces that sustain their cities, the Jaspeans can hope to overcome their trials and continue to soar above the clouds.


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Aug 2, 2024 15:07 by CoolG

I like this a lot!

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Aug 2, 2024 15:17 by Phèdre

Thank you so much <3