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  The Gemsworn are leaders in the Stonesworn religious sect. They devote their efforts to teaching their fellows and preserving the sect's crafts, traditions, and skills for future generations of dwarves, Stonesworn or not.   To become one of the Gemsworn is not to covet power; indeed, those who wish for power are usually rejected. The Gemsworn exist to speak on the behalf of their quiet fellows.   Any may aspire to be Gemsworn. One does not need to have been born into the Stonesworn to eventually ascend to its higher echelons, provided one puts in sufficient effort, time, and care. The current highest Gemsworn, @ragn, was born to rural parents and only became a member of the Stonesworn in his early adulthood; his sheer dedication to the sect is what allowed him to rise to its top.
Religious, Clerical
Current Holders
Related Organizations

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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