
Silent as the rock, cold as the stone.
— Stonesworn saying
  For every devoted cleric and paladin, there are countless followers of deities that do not possess divine magic through little fault of their own. Divine magic is gifted only to precious few, and often for reason inscrutable to mortals. The Stonesworn are a sect of these non-magical followers who choose to believe that the Dwarven Pantheon have not neglected to grant them power, but are instead trusting them to embody what mortals should be, as independent, free-willed dwarves.  
Each Stone is Precious by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
The Stonesworn, as an exclusively-dwarven organisation, tie their beliefs and origins to the roots of their species as a divinely-created species crafted from rock and gemstone to inhabit and protect Istralar.   They are an accepting but traditionalist group who are largely made up of families born into the group, veterans of particularly brutal war, and devout individuals desiring a quiet, pious existence away from the flurry of industrious activity of many other dwarven religious groups. They do not often actively recruit; their presence is usually enough to sway those seeking a more peaceful life.   The sect's main headquarters are situated in Fyrneistur, capital of Gildómar, and smaller buildings dedicated to them can be found throughout the nation. Their secondary headquarters are in Umrukhe, major city of Sjarvaldir, and is where the sect manages international affairs that can often be troublesome to handle within Gildómar's borders.


Still as stone, silent as earth, strong as spirit.
— Stonesworn scriptures
  Whereas most religious sects restrict their acts of worship to certain places or days, those that join the ranks of the Stonesworn are expected to adhere to the customs and traditions of their sect, though disobedience is not punished in any way. Private residences are excepted from this policy.  
They dress in plain clothing without excess adornment, and wear their own version of the Anviltorc around their necks to indicate their alliance. Their beards and hair are usually worn tied with leather bands instead of the fanciful gold bands or gem-studded accessories many noble dwarves wear.   Most notably, the Stonesworn rarely speak. Theirs is a calm, contemplative silence, gifting peace to those around them and granting them time to reflect on the day's events. They are not explicitly prohibited from speaking - indeed, the Stonesworn are not prohibited from anything, owing to the inherent right to free will and mortality that spawned the sect's existence - but choose to use their words with caution.   They do not go on lengthy religious lectures as members of a standard church might. They do not chatter about idle nothings, desperately seeking conversation topics when surrounded by others. They use their words as they might use a chisel, to carefully carve out sentences on the scripture of life only as they are needed or wanted.
Gemcraft by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
  Stonesworn crafts are highly praised in religious circles, despite being made without any influence from those above. The majority of Stonesworn choose to spend their days as artisans and smiths with a religious bend, in the silence and solitude of the Stonesworn forges and workshops. There are no ringing workshop songs here; it is a place of determined focus, as every creation is worked with the love of their craft and the duty they carry to their gods.  
Practicing before the Gods by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
As the dwarves themselves were crafted, so too do the Stonesworn feel it is their duty to honour their kith and kin by bringing new wonders into the world to help and defend them from all the world may throw at them.   Some of the Stonesworn also feel they should honour the gods through feats of physical strength, whether in strength training alone or in genuine prowess with weapons. They do not fight in the armies of the countries they live in - no Stonesworn can be forced to join an army unless they truly feel it is their calling, much to the dismay of conscriptors - but instead practice their strength and skill to glory in what the gods have wrought.   Those choosing to wield weapons are often some of the most brilliant tacticians and defenders around, and may offer training to non-Stonesworn to pass on the fruits of their learning to the younger generations. This service is what, over the years, has earnt the Stonesworn the level of respect and legal recognition they now wear with solemnity.


Dwarves of stone or dwarves of gem - we are the same at heart, and are equally beloved. No one stands above all. It is our voice that amplifies those who go otherwise unheard.
— Gemsworn scripture
Those leading the Stonesworn are the Gemsworn - members of the Stonesworn who devote their efforts to teaching their fellows and preserving the sect's crafts, traditions, and skills for future generations of dwarves, Stonesworn or not.   Though the name might indicate a gaudy desire for power and prestige, it is not considered to be anything particularly special by the Stonesworn themselves, and is mostly a method of differentiating their leaders from their followers, as the dwarves themselves were once divided. Indeed, they largely hold office to speak on behalf of their kin.   Any may aspire to be Gemsworn. One does not need to have been born into the Stonesworn to eventually ascend to its higher echelons, provided one puts in sufficient effort, time, and care. The current highest Gemsworn, Ragnuk Khourronim, was born to rural parents and only became a member of the Stonesworn in his early adulthood; his sheer dedication to the sect is what allowed him to rise to its top.
Gathering of the Stonesworn by Hanhula (via Midjourney)

Granted Divine Powers

They don't get powers, 's the whole point.
— parent patiently explaining the Stonesworn

Minds as Stone

Altar of the Stonesworn by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
Founding Date
Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
the Silent Dwarves
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Manufactured Items
Related Items
Related Species

Stonesworn and Magic

  Occasionally, members of the Stonesworn are lucky enough - or unlucky, in the case of oracles - to be granted the divine magic they believed themselves set apart from.   This generally causes a crisis of faith. They believe for years that they are the free-willed children of the gods who prove their worth without magic - only to have it thrust upon them?   Usually, the counsel of the Gemsworn offers peace to these souls. They leave the Stonesworn, inevitably, but many continue to practice similar values and work closely with their former brethren as they find their way forward in this new world.   Harsher is what befalls those who develop other forms of magic, especially given the bans on arcane magic in Gildómar.   The stigma against their kind is so great that they often attempt to hide their own abilities from themselves, leading to accidental catastrophes down the line if the magic seeks to make itself known.   Those that do acknowledge their newfound powers most often leave their homeland behind in search of the reason they were given this new burden.   The Gemsworn encourage them to seek out why they are being tested with this new power, so that they might either find their reason elsewhere or learn how to suppress it and return.   Commonly, arcane mages that are part of the Stonesworn will seek to have their Anviltorc imbued with antimagic properties to suppress their own abilities.   This renders them safe and free, according to their own beliefs.
You'll not see many Stonesworn in Fjolkandr, ye ken. They're about every so often there, aye, but the Fjolkans see the world a wee bit differently tae the rest of us.   Theirs is a perspective ye may not get tae hear, but if the Stonesworn would have aught to say of it, it's that even our enemies are worth listenin' tae.
— ex-Stonesworn druid

Cover image: Stonesworn cover by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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Jul 29, 2024 22:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them and their quiet deliberate way of life. I would find that quite peaceful.

Aug 4, 2024 14:08 by Han

They're probably one of my favourite little religious sects. Nothing harmful, just the peace of work.

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 7, 2024 16:52

Ela called me Jewelry Dwarf and me is feeling a deep connection to those calm and highly concentrated, very skilled dwarfs. Good read, yes, great work as always, Han. :)

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Aug 13, 2024 14:58 by Han

You'd enjoy them! Perhaps not the religious devotion, but working in peace with them would be lovely even if not part of their group. Thank you! :D

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 22, 2024 03:20 by Barron

Holy crapola, honestly going to visit these quiet dwarves sounds like a vacation in the current world I'm stuck in.   Speak when you need to speak, else contemplate and enjoy the sounds of the world. This was an excellent way to take the prompt; their beliefs came out in ways I did not expect.   The first question that hit me is, how did this austure lifestyle affect their diet? I always imagine dwarves as ale and meat and good feasting, but it sounds like these guys might real different to that!

Aug 26, 2024 12:30 by Han

Right? It'd be nice to go spend some time with the peaceful types, especially with how wild things get in our world (..and theirs). I was originally going to take this prompt in the cult-y screwed-up direction, but I'm honestly glad I didn't. It was refreshing to write something calm for once.   I don't think their diet would differ tooo strongly, but that's a very good point. Ale is so prevalent out of more necessity than joy, given water can sometimes be a little dangerous, and it's so culturally ingrained that I can't see them choosing to give it up. Feasts, however, would probably be an excess they avoid. They likely take what they need and no more on most occasions, preferring cuts of meat less valued by their fellows. I imagine there are Stonesworn who feel they honour the gods best by working fields and slaughterhouses, too. Providing for their fellows and all. Food isn't always easy to come by in Gildómar for the lower classes, after all.

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 24, 2024 02:31 by Barron

WTF... How have I not ever followed Istralar.   Is this a stonable offense?

Aug 26, 2024 12:30 by Han

lmfao what how??? I swear WA just unfollows worlds sometimes

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!