Perci V. Fauxx

Perci Vesper Fauxx

Possibly one of the most interesting folk in Ironfalls - a very kind soul, yes, but also a very bizarre one!
  Perci V. Fauxx is a nonbinary kitsune bard who travels with their best friend Ashlyn Alarian as the Lost Ones race through nations and planes on their wild quest against the Shards of the Void. Perci, who uses they/them and she/her pronouns relatively interchangeably, has been a friend of Ashlyn's for longer than either of them remember - largely because Ashlyn lost her memory in Serendel Forest and Perci was trapped in a book by Silas von Eckehart.  
Perci's Grin by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
They are an odd character. The time in the book seems to have damaged their memory slightly, as they remember little of their past beyond adulthood; they have precious little memory of their family or friends, and can barely speak to where they grew up. Still, they don't let this harm their mood. They are consistently sunny (and very ditzy) in attitude, and feel it is their personal duty to brighten days with their little ditties and dances - even if the people in question are so often grumpy and mean.   Their speech is often grating for those they spend time around (except for Ashlyn and her family, it seems), as Perci has a strong regional dialect indicating their childhood was spent in the southern valleys. They tend to overrely on 'like', 'totally' and other such filler words to emphasise their points when not speaking formally; if they are truly drawing on their strong oratory training, they are perfectly capable of giving brilliant, well-articulated speeches. They just think that's boring and stuffy for regular talking, you know?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Oh my gods, just because my legs are like, super little doesn't mean I can't dance!
— Perci, whilst dancing
  Perci is short compared to most humans (but fairly average in height for a kitsune), standing at approximately 157cm. They have a broad, rectangular structure, with little in the way of muscle or fat, and choose to add to their figure with petticoats and other forms of shapewear as and when they so please. Their hair is fluffy and wavy, defying most styling and preferring to stay in their usual bob, and they generally let their kitsune side shine through with the small ears they allow to remain even in their human form. Their tails are not usually visible in human guise.  
When in fox form, Perci is far smaller and more adorable as they turn into a fluffy little fox with three tails.   Their additional tails are representative of the magical power they have earned over time, though they don't remember what exactly they did to earn them. The ginger-orange of their hair becomes the ginger-orange of their whole form as a kitsune, excepting the black socks of their paws and the white fluff down their chest and at the tip of their tail.   They vastly prefer this form, but feel uncomfortable shifting into it around people they aren't familiar with - and they've never been certain why that is.   They can also shift into their kitsune form, which essentially combines their human and kitsune features more thoroughly, leaving them resembling a fox-human hybrid. They very rarely adopt this form, despite it being their natural form. According to Perci, this is because it doesn't go with any of their outfits.

Special abilities

March to my words! Follow my banner! And we'll totally beat all these baddies!
— Perci
Bardic Smiles by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
Aside from their innate magic that comes with being a kitsune, Perci is a bard, and thus their abilities all centre around music. Their method of bardic performance is somewhat different to the norm.   Instead of focusing on their own combat capability alongside that of others, Perci puts all of their efforts into improving those that fight around them, leaving themself with minimal defences. They prefer to stand behind Ashlyn's capable shield to raise Sarenrae's flag high so that they can inspire Ashlyn and all their fellows into performing feats that might otherwise be impossible.   Even among bards, Perci excels at this; Lukas Falkenrath, another bard of Ironfalls, has marvelled at Perci's ability in the past.   Perci's spellcasting is similarly focused on aid, rather than attack. They focus on beneficial effects they can provide to their friends, such as freeing them of harmful conditions, teleporting them around the battlefield, and intervening on awry attacks to ensure that they do, in fact, work.
  They have some few abilities to defend themselves, mostly centred around getting out of the way of attacks coming their way; other than these, they are reliant on either the wild flailing of the longspear to which their flag is attached, or the timely defence provided by their friends.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

If they don't remember their childhood... Well, there's a number of folk like that. They're usually the sort that had encounters with the fey. There were enough in the mansion, but the area Perci grew up in... I have to wonder...?
— Mery Eventide
  Very little remains of the time Perci remembers, and they don't like to dwell on those days. Their childhood is long since lost to the sands of time and muddled memories. What they do remember is that they once travelled with a different party as an entire band of bards, with the illustrious Ashlyn Alarian as their closest friend of the lot  
Over time, these friends fell. Ashlyn wandered into the forest and did not return; some of the others vanished whilst searching for her, and others were killed merely trying to survive. The last few left. The band couldn't work with so few - only two remained with the kitsune, in the end.   In time, seeking new friends and clinging to the couple remaining from their band, Perci was swept up into an adventuring group that wanted to explore Eckehart Mansion.   The adventure was short-lived. The mansion had not been the easy jaunt they had expected, and thus tragedy was quick to strike. Just as Perci had lost their previous friends, the majority of these new companions, too, were killed. This time, there was no hope of their return: they were lost to the mansion's shadowed embrace, their bodies left to decay or to turn into the undead horrors roaming those accursed halls.   Perci was nearly among their number.
Lost Youth by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
  They survived by Silas von Eckehart's twisted mercy, as vampiric master of the mansion and all its secrets. He stored their body and soul in a book, suspending them in temporal stasis until such a time when either their knowledge would be needed, or until a hero came along to save the library worth of souls he had sentenced to this same purgatory. Why? That is a question only he can answer. Perci chooses to believe it was kindness.  
Ashlyn's Discovery by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
By sheer chance, the hero that would save Perci was none other than Ashlyn, her bestest of friends. Though Ashlyn and her party, the Lost Ones, had no idea what Silas was or had done, they were nonetheless aghast to find that one of Ashlyn's few ties to the past still lived - if barely. With the vampire's assistance, they freed Perci from their prison, and Ashlyn found herself immediately embraced by a friend she had thought long-lost.   The time spent in the book had done little to dim Perci's light, even if their memories seemed a little messy, and they joined Ashlyn without hesitation.   Since then, Perci has travelled with the Lost Ones across Takawaoku in pursuit of the Earth-Mother's Gift. When not accompanying the direct party, they stay in their own rooms in Ironfalls, and enjoy assisting Mery Eventide around the town. They can often be found in the town's pubs in the evening, providing free entertainment by way of their skillful singing and dancing, or at the small shrine to Sarenrae, reciting the sun-goddess's scriptures with fervent dedication.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
5284 EA 342 Years old
they/them; she/her
Androgynous leaning femme
Big and golden!
Bright ginger & kept in a sideswept fluffy bob
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm tanned skin; orange & furry sometimes
157cm or 5'2
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Grippli, Halfling, Sylvan, Tengu, Catfolk
Perci V. Fauxx; both forms by Hanhula (via Heroforge)
Don't provoke them into singing something that will annoy everyone, please. Kazric once got them to sing a children's song about baby sharks after they'd both had some drinks. I still have headaches from the memory.
— Mery Eventide

Morality & Philosophy

  Perci's worldview is particularly simple when it comes to morality: they trust in the law to be correct, and believe that good people usually follow it.   They very rarely have to deal with situations where the law is corrupt, as they barely have had to deal with the law at all - things are relatively relaxed in the forests of the Aletheian Empire.   They have a keen sense of what is right and what is wrong, and when faced with complex situations like the Medimian slave mage (and member of the Amethystine Regiment) Cintha, choose to go with whatever option seems like it will do the least harm.   Their views are somewhat more naive than Ashlyn's battle-worn instincts, and thus they are somewhat more prone to offering second chances to people they really very much shouldn't.   Despite this, their senses are sharp, and they can rarely be fooled so easily; while they will offer kindness to these nastier souls, they are rarely taken in by their lies.
Just, like, do what's right!
— Perci

Cover image: Perci cover by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
Character Portrait image: Perci V. Fauxx by Hanhula (via Heroforge)


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Jul 29, 2024 10:46 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them and nothing bad better happen to them ever or I will be very sad.

Aug 4, 2024 13:52 by Han

They are unfortunately multiple levels lower than the party and yet travel with them to some very scary places D: It's up to the party to keep them safe!

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 13, 2024 22:34 by Chase

Foxes are my weakness. You have done well in making me scream in delight. Though, I'm sad at the same time T-T

"I will do as you bid, Lunarius," -Eldrinor Nocturne
Aug 16, 2024 22:05 by Han

Don't be sad! Perci wouldn't want sads! They've had a bit of a rough time, but they have a lot of lovely friends and a new pseudo-family now in Ashlyn's family. They're honestly extremely happy to be surrounded with this much joy, these days.

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!