Rheannir Galalithe

Rheannir Galalithe

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  Rheannir Galalithe is an old member of elven nobility whose heritage hailed back to when Ilendras was its own nation. He is a savvy merchant and prefers to deal with rich commoners and mercantile folk over the strict courts of nobility. His daughter, Erulinnya of Aletheia, was married to the heir to the Aletheian Empire prior to his assassination.   Now that his wife is gone, Rheannir prefers to spend his days taking care of his grieving daughter and assisting the new Emperor, Aneirin, with matters of trade. He feels a sense of responsibility for the young Emperor, and finds it disappointing that so many other parental figures in his life have either left or failed him. This, however, he keeps quiet out of concern for his own safety.


Rheannir Galalithe


Towards Fannethiel Galalithe

Fannethiel Galalithe


Towards Rheannir Galalithe

Neutral Good
Year of Birth
5303 EA 323 Years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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