Vahal Ce'nessil

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  Vahal Ce'nessil is the current Scion to House Ce'nessil, the most controversial of all Galasthin's noble houses. She is a harsh, authoritative woman who has little patience for unimportant matters, and will not hesitate to get her hands dirty if that is what is required of her.   Like many in her family line, her skin is bone-white, her hair is a pin-straight black, and her eyes are an icy blue that match the coldness of her personality. Of all Galasthin's scions, Vahal is perhaps the least approachable unless the matter is severe.   While the rumours surrounding Lord Ircil Ce'nessil, her father, are merely rumours, Vahal makes no secret of her involvement in the darker quarters of society as and when her duty requires her to be involved. The bluntness with which she approaches this aspect of House Ce'nessil's duties is unnerving to many within Galasthin, but some respect her for taking her role with the gravity it deserves.
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Cover image: Istralar Generic Header by Hanhula (ft. photos from Phil Botha, Jonny McKenna, and Luca Bravo)


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