Athana Geographic Location in Itorah | World Anvil
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One of Itorah's five major continents, Athana is the second-smallest, only slightly bigger than Fethil. Set around the equator, Athana is the warmest continent on Itorah... and the driest. Despite this, its massive freshwater lake allows for life to flourish around the equator, and its twice-yearly rain seasons livens up the rest of the continent.


An almost perfect mirror with itself, Athana's biomes are almost exactly replicated on either side of the equator. From arid deserts on the far ends, turning into tropical savannas and finally tropical rainforests, the only disturbance is the massive mountain chain on the eastern side of the continent, where more temperate forests can be found, climbing the foothills and mountainsides.   Important to Athana is the massive freshwater lake in the northwest of the continent, which supplies the surrounding areas with plentiful water, allowing for tropical rainforests to flourish. This lake is also the largest on Itorah, despite Athana's relatively small size.

Ecosystem Cycles

Athana experiences only two seasons, dry and wet, which both occur twice a year. As might be expected based on the names, the wet seasons allow for life to briefly flourish, and often coincide with high levels of activity from life, though they are not without danger. Eventually they end, however, and give way to the longer dry seasons.   The first wet season occurs in March and April. It is then followed up by four months of dry season, counting May, June, July, and August. The second wet season then spans September, October, and November. The final dry season spans the remaining months, December, January, and February.


Athana, as a continent, is almost perfectly mirrored with itself. It lays square on the Itoran equator, and as a result, the same climates can be found on either end of the continent. The only major difference between the sides is the large mountain range which runs from north and into the eastern side of central Athana, which brings its own subtropical climates.   On its far ends, Athana sports its characteristic hot stepeps and deserts, which transition into tropical savannas closer to the center. Nearer to the massive freshwater lake, it even deepens into tropical rainforest climates.
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