Beaked Otter Species in Ivaenni | World Anvil

Beaked Otter

The beaked otter is a type of otter that is native to Hvílavegr, though there are a few other places in the world where they can be found. The beaked otter is larger than your regular otter, and they have been named for the beak that sits on their face where nose and mouth would be on a regular otter. They developed this beak as a method to break open the abundant amount of clams that can be found in Hvílavegr, and to easily fish them out of the long elongated seashells. Inside this beak they have retained their sharp otter teeth, which are able to crush the thinner shells to pieces. They have a very strong bite. The beaked otter also is a poisonous creature, developed as a defense mechanism against all the monsters that lives in Hvílavegr.    The beaked otter has brown fur that makes them hard to see both in the dark water and the dark night. The only exception is the white stripe on their back, as well as their colourful belly. This belly  colour shows predators that they are poisonous, and that they chouldn't be eaten. But because the colour has evolved to be located into such an inconvenient place, predators might still attack them. If they are unsure if they are faced with a poisonous otter or a regular otter, they will initiate by knocking the otter onto their back or side, which will allow them to see the colour, though some predators with more experience have learned torecognize the beak as a sign not to attack.   When threatened, the beaked otters will rise onto their hind legs and show off their clourfiul belly to let any attackers know that they can't be eaten. If their attacker won't back off, they will bite and claw, which is where they deposit their dangerous poison. It's a poison that can knock out a grown goliath within minutes. It causes excruciating agony for about three to five days, until eventually leading to death.   Beaked otters are highly prized for their furs, and the wealthy loves to show off their wealthy by presenting in coats and capes lined with beaked otter fur. However, as beaked otters are so deadly, , trappers would often die when hunting them. As a result, the lord of the land would forbid any hunt of beaked otters, simply to keep the death rate down. This only seemed to make the beaked otters fur even more sought after.


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