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Imperial Field Army



An Imperial Field Army is the largest and most powerful military formation, capable of conducting large-scale operations and campaigns. It is composed of multiple divisions and supporting units, and its size can vary depending on the specific circumstances and requirements of the campaign. Typically, an Imperial Field Army may consist of around 50,000 to 100,000 soldiers.    Imperial Field Armies are also often accompanied by falconers and their palidic orders to serve as both auxiliary shock units and elite frontline force multipliers.   Finally, Field Armies have extensive war caster support with often distinct groups for scrying and counterintelligence, missile defense, psychological warfare, and terrain/mental manipulation.


Logistical Support

Logistically, a Field Army requires a significant support infrastructure. It has dedicated logistics units responsible for providing supplies, transportation, maintenance, medical services, and other necessary support functions. This includes a vast network of supply lines, quartermaster corps, field hospitals, and logistical personnel to ensure the smooth operation of the army in the field.   Due to their complicated and extensive logistical needs Field Armies are rarely deployed outside of Forlond or Odela, and when they are they must be accompanied by major naval support.


In terms of auxiliary support, Field Armies have only other Field Armies to call upon when in need of aid. They are rarely deployed alongside each other due to a lack of need. A single Imperial Field Army is practically untouchable by any forces that are currently fieldable by enemies of the Empire.    However, if support is needed Imperial Field Armies can very often pull into defensive positions, using their engineering and war caster regiments to erect sophisticated defenses in only a matter of hours. From these positions, they can survive for months against
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation
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