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The Fortress of Eaweoston (Ae-Oh-Ae-Ston)

The Fortress of Eaweoston is one of the greatest pieces of history for humanity. A historic keep which was built in the ages of the forefathers and upgraded and improved since then.

Purpose / Function

The original keep of Eaweoston was constructed during the war of skulls to defend against an incursion of the undead. At present, it remains mostly symbolic as a testament to human ingenuity and power.


The original keep has been expanded significantly raising it from a simple fort. Steadily it grew taller, more complex, and more layered. With each King, it was expected that the fortress is expanded as a testament to the King's rule. By present times nearly 80 generations of human royalty have called it home, each proving their rule to be the most prosperous by raising the grandeur of the castle. The interior is now a complicated dungeon of traps, living halls, resources, and layered defenses. The exterior is a sheer wall, taller than any siege tower or ladder could ever be constructed. Enchanted stone and gold give it otherworldly durability. The original trebuchet was replaced with mortars and cannons and the star-shaped walls protect it from any cannon fire that could be mustered across all of Iveomos.


The old keep retains the classical construction of its time. A simple square castle with adjoining palisades and towers. These raise high into the skies as the next layer grander and thicker. This pattern repeats until the final layers of the fortress gain a sharp and angled construction to deter cannon fire. The interior is warm and inviting (assuming the correct path is taken) the storerooms are filled with provisions and the banners of the noble families and kingdoms of Corinth are displayed proudly.


Primarily the fortress relies on its immense size and durability to deter attack. Mounted cannons and mortars can fire from the covered portions of the fortress. Ports lie embedded in the walls for the pouring of boiling water, and alchemical weapons of the keeps head mage. Should the outer walls be breached each following layer of the keep provides another point for the defenders to hold. Like a rocky shore, the momentum of any attacker will be ground down until there is no will or no blood left to continue deeper into the fortress. Sections within the keep are left abandoned due to the lost records of the traps placed past. Creatures and systems lie in wait to defend their historic home if any trespasser should be so unfortunate to be lost within its walls.


During the War of Skulls, it sheltered the shattered remnants of humanity from a hoard of undead whose numbers were beyond counting and their swarm beyond the horizon. There they held for two months before the heroes of their age were able to defeat the lich Nekros and entomb them permanently.   During the time of peace for the Imperial Era, the keep defended the people from several Dragon attacks and finally earned its title Dragonscourge after the defenders not only repelled but killed an adult black dragon.   During the Eleven-Year war, the keep at Eaweoston was the only fortress to remain unconquered in Durgeddin invasion of Corinth only surrendering upon the King's orders.


The Keep does not accept tourists aside from the military historians and adventures who seek lost information in its many abandoned halls.
Alternative Names
Eaweoston, The Red Citadel, The Keep, Dragonscourge
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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