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The Mirrored Academy

Purpose / Function

Firstly, to serve as a hub for education and to provide all aspiring mages and adventurers the opportunity to learn their crafts.

Secondly, to encourage safe research into both the nature and application of magic.


Thirdly, to allow mages both great and minor a repository to store their found knowledge as well as to access the knowledge of their peers.

Finally, to serve as the headquarters and home of the many master spellcasters of Iveomos with an interest in protecting the realm.


The original construction of the Mirrored Academy took place when Professor Mattock conjured it with the use of a wish spell. This original version of the school contained the Athenaeum, Arcanum, the Eight Halls of Magic, the Arcane Keep, and the Great Hall.   The first alteration was done before the opening of the school. The Professor realized that he had neglected to create a place for research and study. He spent some time constructing the facility with the fabricate spell and time.   After the first students began to arrive on campus the total lack of student housing and facilities became apparent, the quick construction of dorms, tents, and markets was carried out by both Mattock and the students resulting in Gnollskull Alley, and Mordekeinen's Markets of the Multiverse (although at the time it was just called the market).    The last of the structures to be completed was the administration building as Professor Mattock had not yet hired any staff.    The remaining locations developed very naturally, slowly filling the gaps left by the larger halls.


The Mirrored Academy has a very thrown-together yet structured look. The walls and each school of magic were created simultaneously by the initial wish of the school. They are each constructed of a white marble coated in a perfectly mirrored silver finish. This finish makes the walls extremely resilient to magical effects and mundane attacks.    The central buildings are constructed of a red brick classical design, including the library, great hall, and the markets.   The remaining structures, neighborhoods, and villages are built in line with normal building practices. They arose around the various points of interest and in the gaps of the larger facilities.


The Mirrored Academy is also often known as the Mirrored Fortress for its castle-like design.    The entire campus is surrounded by 160ft tall mirrored walls. The mirrored enchantment makes them nearly immune to all forms of magic except for those cast by the gods, or their creator. The walls are lined with watchtowers each hosting several animated statues (although they are unanimated when the city is safe) wielding enchanted great bows, a powerful mote of warding that can be activated to shield the school from vertical attack, as well as runes of forbiddance which prevent non-student/staff spellcasters from teleporting into the campus grounds.   The campus grounds are enchanted to alert the staff if there is an unintended spellcasting, or magical attempts to break in. The many lights of the school are able to emit a verbal message of less than 21 words when commanded by Professor Mattock.   The many statues of the campus of both its esteemed faculty as well of other people of note are all discreetly hidden animated statues. Further supplemented by the many animated knights in the under school.   If the many surface defenses fail the school there is ample room to retreat into the Arcane Keep Professor Mattock's personal keep and fortress inside the campus. From there the further path is into the Arcane Keeps treasure room only accessible by Professor Mattock which is contained in a personal demi-plane.


The Mirrored Academy has survived for more than a hundred years without facing any significant threat. The Professors and staff spend their time researching and schooling, and the students adventure and discover. The campus has steadily grown and its reputation is one of the fastest-growing in the world. Having gone from their founding and first students to being considered the best school in Iveomos in less than 150 years. They perform well in intercollegiate challenges and competitions but are far from unchallenged with the Imperial Academy of High Magic, and the Shadowmist College performing very well themselves.


The school does not permit tourism outside of tours offered to potential students and staff. However, mages from across the world travel to attend classes or share knowledge between the Mirrored Academies' libraries and their own. Including both solo and organized mages.
Founding Date
4 Mirtul 1116 IH
Alternative Names
The Mirrored Fortress, The Academy, The Mages College
University / Educational complex
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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