Southfordge Mountains Geographic Location in Ivryia | World Anvil
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Southfordge Mountains


The Southfordge Mountains is the name of one of the smaller mountain ranges on the western continent of Ivryia.


The ecosystem on the Southfordge Mountains can be divided into two categories, the alpine zone and the subalpine zone. At the base of the mountains, there is a temperate region, where the regular grassland climate and ecosystem of the lands of Rarresh, Rozred, and Ghostkep meet the subalpine zone. The subalpine zone consists of trees and other flora growing near rock formations to protect against the strong mountain winds. The trees, brush, and flora are all hardy in order to withstand the climate. However, at a certain elevation - called the tree line - it becomes near impossible for trees to grow, though some other flora may be able germinate. After the tree line, the alpine zone begins. In this zone, the flora that grows is short and special adaptations to withstand the hard climate. The terrain is mostly snow, ice, and rock, with little to protect from the elements.


The climate of the Southfordge Mountains is that of a typical mountain range in a rather temperate area. The surrounding areas annually sit around 50oF with the lowest temp at the peaks being around 27oF.

Fauna & Flora

Flora In the subalpine zone of the Southfordge mountains, there are vastly more types of plantlife due to the most favorable conditions. There are trees, shrubs, and other types of flora that grow along side barriers and rock formations to protect against high winds that could prevent growth. In the alpine zone of the mountain range, the plantlife is sparse, but more adapted to the harsh elements. The plants there only grow to a few inches tall and have weak root systems, but have grown to have a sort of 'fur' to protect against the winds, and have developed red and black pigments in order to be able to transform the sun's rays into heat.


Despite their small size, there is not much foot traffic in the Southfordge Mountains to the average citizen of Ivryia. Of course there are those who seek out adventure, an adrenaline rush, or something similar, but most of the people you will find there are those hiding from civilized society. There are very few habitable places in the range, with the largest population on the southern edges of the range.
Mountain Range
Included Locations


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