Borochi Clan

The Borochi Clan is a unified trapper and breeder society, specializing in scaled creatures such as wyverns, dragons, wyrms, serpents, and other such monstrous difficult to raise beasties. Located primarily on Borochi Island they have several hatcheries the largest and most prominent of which is known as the "Serpent's Den". Most entry to Borochi Island is through the port hatchery "Turtle's Maw" The leader of the Borochi clan is known as the "Brood Mother" she oversees all the five hatcheries on the island and assigns a "Fang" to rule each other hatchery.


The Borochi clan still swear fealty to the Jade Emperium but have not had much contact in the last ten years.


The Iron Legion tried to conquer Borochi island several months ago and were rebuffed at sea by the winged prowess of the Borochi broodlings. Since then the Borochi clan will not sell to the Iron legion and actively raids their supply lines on the mainland.


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